Job shadowing
Start date: Aug 18, 2014,
End date: Jun 17, 2016
Ruoveden yhteiskoulu is a quite small school with only 200 pupils. Even if Ruoveden yhteiskoulu is a small school it is very active in the field of international mobilities and collaboration. Ruoveden yhteiskoulu has participated in several bilateral and multilateral Comenius partnerships and in Comenius Individual Pupil Mobility. The school is always looking for new ways to improve its quality as an international partner school.
Participation in Job shadowing mobilities is a new way for Ruoveden yhteiskoulu to improve its international qualities. It's also an effective way for the teachers to become a more international teacher and to learn new working and teaching methods. The more teachers participate in Job shadowing the more international the school becomes. Ruoveden yhteiskoulu has planned to organize ten Job shadowing mobilities during the next two school years:
School year 2014 - 2015:
1/2015 one Job shadowing mobility to Bulgaria
2/2015 one Job shadowing mobility to Portugal
3/2015 one Job shadowing mobility to France
4/2015 one Job shadowing mobility to Croatia
5/2015 one Job shadowing mobility to Italy
School year 2015 - 2016:
1/2016 one Job shadowing mobility to Bulgaria
2/2016 one Job shadowing mobility to Portugal
3/2016 one Job shadowing mobility to France
4/2016 one Job shadowing mobility to Croatia
5/2016 one Job shadowing mobility to Italy
The objectives of these Job shadowing mobilities are the development of the quality of the school and the quality of teaching given in Ruoveden yhteiskoulu. The Job shadowing aims also to the personal growth and professional development of the participating teachers. The Job shadowing offers to the teachers possibility to learn new teaching methods and other important skills in order to become a better teacher. Each teacher is free to choose own personal objectives for the mobility. The participating teachers could work for example on the following topics during the mobility period:
What kind of new tools could be useful for me and for my students?
How do other teachers work?
How do they teach the same subject that I teach?
How do they support the students who have difficulties in my subject?
How do they teach the students different kinds of learning techniques?
How do they manage the challenges of my school subject?
What is my personal way to teach and how does it differ from the way that other teachers teach? Why?
All the participants of Ruoveden yhteiskoulu collaborate before their mobility period. There will be a Job shadowing team working inside the school. Not only the participatiing teachers, but also the headmaster and the coordinator of international projects are members of the Job shadowing team. All team members plan the Job shadowing mobilities together. They also collaborate together with the participating teachers and headmasters in the other European partner schools. eTwinning offers fantastic tools for this kind of international collaboration.
At the end of the mobility period the participant and the headmaster of the partner school as well as the teachers involved in the Job shadowing in the partner school evaluate together the mobility. When the participating teacher comes back to Finland he/she will evaluate the mobility together with the headmaster, too.
The results of the project will be disseminated in many different ways. The aim is to ensure that as many schools, teachers and pupils as possible will be able to benefit from the results of the Job shadowing mobilities organized by Ruoveden yhteiskoulu.
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