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Job-Shadowing und Hospitation bei europäischen Partnern zur Verbesserung von Unterrichtsprozessen, des Qualitäts- und Schulmanagements sowie der Entwicklung internationaler Zusammenarbeit zur Stärkung der beruflichen Bildung
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Kreisberufskolleg Brakel (vocational college) would like to exchange experiences with schools that are also based in areas lacking in infrastructure and are therefore subject to similar difficult conditions. We would like to get new ideas in school management and in the area of curricular development in the face of demographic change. In order to get a comprehensive insight into the structures of other school systems, we have selected four very different partners in Ireland, Poland, Lithuania and Norway which also have different educational priorities and systems. The project in its components will be prepared and followed up via video conferencing (Skype). It goes without saying that during the actual meeting documentation will be done. Through this project we hope to develop new strategies in the area of school management (e.g. acquisition of employees and the expansion of the cooperation with external partners) and new ideas in teaching development (e.g. new methods, implementation of educational contents). On the extracurricular basis we want to ensure that both the staff’s and the students’ interest in Europe and the willingness to collaborate on the idea of a common Europe is increased. To achieve this the results from the job-shadowing will be implemented into the school programme and the curriculum of the Kreisberufskolleg Brakel.
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3 Partners Participants