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Job Shadowing Ramon Martinez
Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Nov 14, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This job shadowing project is set out for one month (october 2014) and contains the visit of a member from spanish NGO Zink Asturias! Zn! at the Associaction of German Educational organisations (AdB). Both organisations work in the field of Education for Democratic citizenship with young people, but it has to be mentioned that the current societal environment in which this work happens in both countries largely difers. In the period of the job shadowing there are two main working fields that will be commonly explored: 1) the work of AdB in the frame of the European NGO DARE-Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe, a network which is been coordinated by AdB since 2007. The focus is on one hand to get an overview on the work and current hot topics of the DARE members via a survey and the creation of an own e-learning module for DARE´s e-academy, on the other hand to participate and contribute to concrete advocacy activities conducted by DARE in this period (conferences, meetings working groups). 2) to get to know the functioning of AdB and its woking structures as independent educational association in Germany. Besides the concrete exchange and cooperation with the persons working at AdB´s Berlin based office, there will be the opportunity to joun several working comittee meetings within AdB, that deal with specifics of non-formal educational work with young people. Thus the outreach of the jobshadowing to a larger number of experts in the field will be guaranteed. Of special importance in this regard is that the exchange with these groups offers opportunities to also approach themes like the validation of non-formal learninhg with young people and the cooperation of non-formal and formal education in the field of youth work. The job shadowing contains several elements of cooperation: the design and conduction of e european survey, the creation of a learning module in DARE´s e-academy, the contribution and collaboration at various evnts of the DARE network and with the staff working at AdBs Berlin office. Further the participation in several german working groups , thus involving a wider range of people into the job shadowing process and offering the opportunity for further outreach and exchange. Effects and results will be on one hand the common getting to know about our working fields and structures, but also a direct increase of "european" competences among the staff involved at AdB (language, intercultural awareness etc). In the long term this job shadowing shall contribute to the creation of new common projects between Zink and AdB as well as in the joining of Zink to the European network DARE. The effort we want to create in the long run is thus the establishment of a new long term partnership of both organisations, which also serves AdB´s strategy of s step-by-step Europeanisation of its own structure.
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