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Job Shadowing per operatori sociali dell’area disagio adulto di Bologna
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to create job shadowing experiences pointed towards social workers who work with adult discomfort in the city of Bologna. The intervention is collocated within the context of Bologna where there is an ongoing accompanying path to processes of define the system of services for adults, launched by the city of Bologna. The network of services for adults in extreme disadvantage, particularly homeless, includes different types of actions ranging from reception centers (dormitories) to support services / information realized in street and to actions connected to Housing First. Those services, pertaining to Bologna Municipality, are managed by social cooperatives with long-term experiences in this field: Open Group, Società Dolce, La Piccola Carovana, Coop. La Strada. The project involves the realization of 11 job shadowing experiences in European cities; London, Glasgow, Paris , Lisbon, Barcelona. It is Associations and Foundations with a long time experience in the management of adult disadvantage, through services management with its own specificities. The project objectives and the mobility experiences are: 1) knowing and observing services operating with the same users in geographical, political, social and living different contests and seeing how the solutions chosen can satisfy users needs. 2) Putting all knowledge acquired at service of their own reality and the reality with which it cooperates, including hosting realities, in order to help redefining process of adults services system inside the city of Bologna. 3) Devising partnerships with European countries in order to promote not only the experience exchange but also a co-planning that could be useful to influence European strategies concerning disadvantage adults. The 11 participants are mostly professional educators with long-time experience in working with users linked to adult disadvantage, especially homeless and Roma. The paths of mobility provide an individual lasting of 8 days associated to a preparation period, both linguistic and country context knowledge in which the operator will carry out the job shadowing. At the end of the experience, the operators will share the results both with their work team and with the realities of the "project consortium". The experiences of job shadowing allow reaching multiple results and having an important impact on 3 levels: -Individual; acquisition of a socio-cultural and political-economic knowledge of the visited context, a language implementation, the acquisition of new methodologies and wotking tools. -local; the acquisition of methodological elements, operational tools and the knowledge of a new reality will help to support the path of redefining the system of services for adults started by Bologna Municipality. Furthermore, the skills acquired by the operators will help improving services quality provided by the same and by the work team. -European; knowledge of European realities it allows expanding working network, initiating and strengthening partnerships to promote new projects. In the long run the project will improve helping the quality of services for adults in Bologna and therefore responding more efficiently to users needs.

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