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Job shadowing: metodologias integradoras y trabajo colaborativo
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

TITLE: "Job Shadowing: integrative and collaborative methodologies"BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT: Public School Education and Primary Learning Projects are developed based on the methodology CLIL. . The school is part of the Pilot Project of the Department of Education: Multilingual schools.Our students start learning English as a foreign language from the age of three. We start the CLIL Methodology at P5 (5 years old) till 12 years old. The area worked with this methodology is Environment and Science.PROJECT PARTICIPANTS:Students: All students are part of the project as they are the ones who are going to benefit from it. Staff: The entire staff is involved in the project. According to the teaching and formation experience, four of the staff teachers (who leader the pilot project) have been selected by the Director of Studies to travel abroad for learning about new methodologies and make a feedback to their colleagues.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:From the analysis conducted by the Multilingual Promoter Group, had been detected strengths and weaknesses of our school and the best way to optimize resources.- Methodology Improvement- Intercultural learning: linking learning with internationalization and globalization dimension.- Using English language in real situations.- Improve the way to use human resources at school.- New technologies: using new technologies as a way for learning, increase the use of ICT.METHODOLOGY AND ACTIVITIES FOR THE MOBILITY:Before the Mobility: Planning activities ( Projects and works in order to have a good knowledge of each other from e-Twinning Platform)During the Mobility: -visit and integration . -developing activitites for sharing. - widing new methodologies knowledge in an inclusive, multicultural and technological s.XXI society. After the Mobility: - transfering our experience to the rest of the staff. -sostenibility of the project from the e-Twinning Platform -Improve the linguistic competence in English language. - Deep in methodologies that uses collaborative working as a way to learn. RESULTS AND IMPACT BENEFITS:Through school training (conducted by the Multilingual Promoter Group), teachers will plan their own collaborative work project to increase the cooperative work in class.The final tasks are going to be checked and shared by all the teachers’ staff. The Head master with the participation of the leader group are going to assess the different tasks. A resource bank will be generated at school.Moreover, the Head master and the multilingual promoter group will take care of different dynamics in the classroom (from both the content and form).The Head master ensuring compliance of the sostenibility of the Project. At the Annual Report, the results and all proposals for improvement will be collected.
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