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Job-related Internship in London
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Handelsakademie and Handelsschule Feldkirch (Higher Level Secondary Commercial College) is located at the junction of four countries. Due to this fact as well as the demands of a globalised society and economy more and more effort is needed in commercial education to prepare our students for their future careers in business. Our project aims at different goals on various levels. As the first ‘Handelsakademie’ with an entrepreneurship certificate on an advanced level (ÖNORM) we put special emphasis on internships abroad as part of our school profile, whose ultimate aim is to support the education of independent, reflective and open-minded graduates. Therefore we would like to offer the opportunity to do part of the mandatory internship (as required by the new curriculum 2014) abroad. Offering internships abroad creates a competitive edge over other schools. Our students can gain additional competences and skills and hence improve their career opportunities. Certificates and other documentary proof of additional qualifications (such as the Europass mobility, certificates from the ADC College or references in the certificate for their diploma and A-level equivalent qualification) provide competitive advantages for future applications. By supporting occupational mobility across borders, by increasing their self-confidence as well as the confidence in their abilities, by overcoming language barriers and finally by further developing their practice-oriented knowledge and job-related skills students will be well-prepared for future studies, the entry into working life and life in general. For our first project in summer 2015 ten students of the third and fourth form have been selected by our headmaster. There are plans to increase the number of participants to 20 next year. The main purpose of the two week stay in London is a job-related internship. The students will be placed in host families. Our partner organisation is the ADC College in Harrow. The centre for languages and further education has been involved in the successful development and implementation of the European mobility programme for many years. It is closely connected to regional enterprises. Daniela Lichtenegger, the Country Manager, will be the person in charge for our school and our students while they are doing their internship.

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