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JOB LABYRINTH - Fostering youth inclusive education and transition to work through game-based approaches integrating active employment and web-based guidance in Europe
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

JOB LABYRINTH moves from the assumption that there is a direct link between Unemployment, Poverty and Social Exclusion according to whom, as a result of growing unemployment, young people are experiencing increased levels of poverty and social exclusion (2013 Council POLICY PAPER ON YOUTH EMPLOYMENT), and that joint efforts are needed to link "promotion of a high level of employment, fight against social exclusion, and high level of education and training"(2010 Council guidelines for employment policies). Nevertheless, progress to meet EU 2020 targets on employment is uneven, and poor on poverty reduction: in 2013, 122.6 million people in Europe was at risk of poverty or social exclusion, while EU youth unemployment was 22.7% (Eurostat 2012); JOB LABYRINTH moves from a deep analysis led at EU and national levels which revealed how Italy, Spain, Hungary and Slovakia scored highest and persistent long-term unemployment, though law average of youth and jobseekers participating in activation measures, suggesting how ALMPs are not effective, and how this gap would be even more remarkable for NEETS (22,7% in IT and 21,1 in ES -EuroFound 2015) and different groups of vulnerable youth, including migrants and hard to reach people, who, lacking of self esteem, out of mainstreamed educational and guidance services, will be hampered to participate to their own human and social development. The project calls up and engages multi-actor core partners with complementary expertise, including regional policy actors, educational providers in 3 different settings, body providing assistance to policy actors in ALMPs, and experts of guidance, e-services and game-based learning environments. JOB LABYRINTH will build a comprehensive framework integrating active ALMPs, PES and guidance e-services in multiple settings as master-keys to enhance vulnerable youth access, participation and performance to inclusive education, training and youth, and to facilitate their transition to work and activation as job seekers. Moving from effective EU co-funded tools and practices, JOB LABYRINTH will further enable the potential of gamification to improve attractiveness of mainstreamed services and to foster youth engagement as active learners and job seekers, endorsing a multipronged strategy aiming to:1. Develop learner-centered and game-based e-solutions (the JOB LABYRINTH GAME and CoPs) to raise youth awareness on ALMPs measures, attract and activate in particular NEETs, disadvantaged and vulnerable youth.2. Increase cooperation between VET, employment and guidance providers, building staff capacities to deliver individual skills assessment, counseling, and qualifications through “tailored services”.3. Mainstream in formal and non-formal settings (VET, education, youth work, public-private JPOs) open guidance e-services, integrating them into the JOB labyrinth game.4. Endorse a long-term networking process to engage in the JOB LABYRINTH Community of Practices public-private stakeholders to foster integration of enhanced and improved services for guidance, counseling and job insertion, to provide quality based education, training and employment oriented opportunities particularly addressed to vulnerable youth, whose self reliance and transversal competences as rights holders and active job seekers have been strengthened.The following activities will be realized:I. A comprehensive Capacity building path to enhance skills and competences of staff and, through their action as multipliers, to national providers involved into the Community of practicesII. A thorough networking building processes among private and public stakeholders active in the field of ALMPs and employment services, enterprises and employers associationsIII. Moving from best practices, e-services and gamification approaches, an attractive ICT environment will mainstream effective tools, information on ALMPs, web based guidance to build youth transversal competences and soft skills as active job seekers, guiding them in real life experienceIV. Impact assessment, wide and targeted dissemination strategy to facilitate a possible handover of JOB LABYRINTH to institutional actors and key stakeholders, EU networks and bodies active to promote ALMPs, and to provide guidance on youth employment strategies:The JOB LABYRINTH Community of practices will directly target and impact on about 1290 young learners and job seekers with different degrees of vulnerability; on 664 trainers, educators, youth workers, operators and staff providing guidance, counseling and employment services; on 300 enterprises, employers' associations and agencies, on local and regional offices and policy actors responsible for the design and implementation of ALMPs and effective employment strategies who will join the community.

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