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Job for Youth
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Job for Youth“ is addressed to the young people, who deal with the Europe and them as a part of it. The project members from Germany, Finland, Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Ireland and England come for 9 days to Neubrandenburg in Germany. During the project they got time to get known to each other and to fulfil the actual idea of the project. The member will found “their own Europe-firm” in form of discussions, workshops, quizzes and simulations games.The goal of the project is not to found a firm. In foreground are subjects like the promotion of the participation of the young people at the democratic life in Europe and the job market plus to strengthen the cooperation between the youth and the job market.During the project get motivated to think about their future in a more another way and to look out for new ways, which are not available for them in the first moments. They will deal with the theme “united Europe”. The member will learn to respect others opinions and to be tolerant to each other and to take responsibility for their actions. The participants will always evolve through daily reflection.

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