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Job Coach für Menschen mit Behinderungen
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SUMMARY: The aim of the project is the creation of a Europe-wide comparable training as a further education for professionals working in the field of career coaching for people with disabilities by developing a standardized EQF-qualification for a “job coach for persons with disabilities”. Sub-goals are: a) evaluation of the varying experiences and levels of development in the work of job coaches of the participating countries, in order to develop a qualification profile in the form of a competency matrix valid for al; b) standardization and recognition of comparable skills of job coaches of the participating countries; c) the design of a qualification concept adapted to the EQF European in the form of units of learning outcomes and their tailored adaptation to the various national qualification frameworks; d) the creation of transparency through comparability of the competence profile in the participating countries and transfer of experience gained into a common European competence profile; e) improvement of the mobility of job coaches within the labor market; f) supplementing the training concept for job coaches by a new module, which so far does not exist in any of the countries involved. This module will deal with the different types of disability based on a guidance document developed by participating universities; g) development of a European Certificate for the job coaches on the basis of EQF. Participating countries and institutions are: a) Germany (Grone- Training Centers NRW gGMBH, Fachhochschule Münster, Applicant: Grone schools); b) The Netherlands with the organizations Coordan and the Professional Association of Job Coaches; c) Poland (Wsparcie Społeczne Ja-Ty- My, Association EKON);; d) France (les genets d'or) e) Northern Ireland (University of Belfast). All partners have facilities for working with people with disabilities at the university, health, social and professional level at disposition. It is one of the five core objectives headline targets of the Europe 2020 strategy to raise the employment rate of the population aged 20-64 from the current 69% to at least 75 % by 2020. The agenda is also in conjunction with the educational objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy: one of the strategic objectives is the promotion of justice and diversity in particular by implementing inclusive education concepts. One of the instruments for increasing the proportion of disabled people in the labor market is the work of job coaches. In the participating countries the job coaches are faced with the following situation: a) their training/further education is nowhere acknowledged or accepted as such within Europe; b) there is no mutual definition of the conditions for eligibility (formal qualifications); c) there are no European standards for the content of their further education / training for this professional group; d) there are no guidelines on how people with specific disabilities can be integrated particularly in the labor market. The innovative nature of this project arises from the topic and the target group. The development of a qualification for the further education and training of job coaches at European level (Poland, Netherlands, France, Germany, Northern Ireland) in regard to people with disabilities is new, corresponds to a particular degree to the UN Disability Convention and supports inclusion in all participating countries. A project for the development of a standardized (EQF) European qualification concept for the training of job coaches for people with disabilities represents a great opportunity for everyone involved. Thus, the project addresses the following target groups.: Direct target group: Professionals or aspiring job coaches for people with disabilities (social workers, occupational therapists, employment agencies). Indirect target groups: a) Persons with disabilities; b) educational institutions with their teachers and lecturers; c) social funding organizations; d) employers; e) associations that work with the disabled; f) political decision makers. The aspired integrated European concept, that will be adapted to national QR, will create standards and transparency for the activities of “job coaches for people with disabilities”, make possible comparability and recognition of acquired skills and improve the labor market mobility of these professionals.
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8 Partners Participants