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Językowy paszport do Europy
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project title: LANGUAGE PASSPORT TO EUROPE Duration: 2 years According to the purposes and priorities in education which are indicated by European Union, the most important thing in our project is formation the key competences among students. The main aims will be the information competences and communication in foreign languages both by students and school educational staff. The most important themes, which are included in the project are: 1.Teaching and learning foreign languages. 2.New and innovative educational methods, the syllabuses and development of training courses. 3.Pedagogics and didactic. The purposes of the project: 1.Introduction of innovative solutions in methodology of teaching foreign languages taking into consideration the components referring to Information Computer Technology (ICT). 2.The development of methodology of language teaching by using the best work experience from other countries. 3.Improving the language abilities by school educational staff. 4.Motivating all students to learn referring to the achievements of European teaching. 5.Giving our school the European dimension and making the international cooperation with partner schools throughout the union projects. In this project eleven teachers of primary school and gymnasium, who teach different school subjects such as English, German, History, Maths , I.T., P.E., integrated teaching, oligofrenapedagog and the headmaster of Zespol Szkol, will be participated. There are fourteen mobilities for the participants of this project. In view of different language levels the intensive English course will be organised in the country before beginning of mobility. During this project the teachers will take part in the following (IN-Training Services) courses: - methodically-language training for English and German teachers; - the training for teachers, who teach different school subjects, in which they can observe English lessons; - methodically-language training in system CLIL for teachers who teach different school subjects; - the training which improves an ability of effective learning and teaching. There are some permanent results of the project: - to finish the courses by all participants of the project; - to get Europass certificates; - to improve the language competences among teachers; - to widen the educational offer (introducing some elements of English during other lessons); - to rise and get new professional competences in range of pedagogics, didactic and methodology of language teaching; - implementation new solutions in range of “information-communication” technology in didactic process and educational work; - to gain the knowledge about preparing and working another schools and teachers in different countries in Europe, raising the competences during exchanging our experience; - to get such abilities as: effective communication and work in group; - to show the intercultural competences: acceptance and tolerance; - th change the posture in accordance with cultural dissimilarity, breaking the stereotypes; to make the cooperation with teachers from other European countries and work together. Due to well-known operations people who will be interested in this project will be not only direct participants of it but also local community: pupils, headmasters, teachers from other schools, parents and local government. Throughout this project will be participated other teachers from different European countries and the main representatives of partner institutions in hosting countries. As long-range benefits of this project are forecasted: - creating better image among educational staff and local community; - the growth of prestige of our school; - to increasing competitiveness in our local educational market; - the promotion of our town, region and country in Europe.
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