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Języki obce oraz technologie informacyjne kluczem do nowoczesnego kształcenia obywateli Europy.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A two year Erasmus + project in our school with the following title: "Foreign languages and information technologies are the key to modern education for the citizens of Europe" has the following aims:- to activate teachers and improve their language competences- to make the educational offer of our school more attractive (bilingual elements on chosen lessons, extending our offer by providing extra German classes for our pupils)- to sensitize our pupils to the situation of refugees by active and skilful involvement of foreign pupils into our school community- to adjust our working methods to the new facts of preschool education- to improve the attractiveness and effectiveness of current teaching goalsWe will be able to reach these goals due to the improved linguistic competences, innovative teaching methods, enchancing the knowledge and abilities to make a better use of ICT and a training touching upon multicultural aspects.The project will incluse 11 participants. They will be different teachers from our school, including teachers of preschool education, head teacher and vice head teacher. Actions planned as a part of this project include going to prestigious, acredited schools in Great Britain, Austria and Malta for trainings like: methodology course for primary school teachers, General English with ICT Elements, General English with CLIL Elements, CLIL, FCE course, ICT course, German course and intercultural training concerning issues of equality in multicultural and diverse classroom.The expected results areas follows:-The growth and improvement of key competences, especially in the area of using modern information and communication technologies by teachers and using these techniques more often during classes. -Creating new international contacts and getting more teachers to join pro european activities-Improving the level of motivation for foreign language teaching, which will be an encouragement for self improvement and searching for creative solutions in didactic work-Help for the teachers to reach new qualifications (bilingual teaching, teaching a second language)-Teachers will gain new practical tools and ideas to make it possible for every pupil in our school to have access to education which is unbiased and free from discrimination, so thatthey have equal access to education. -Trainings will provide a refreshing look at the subject of equal opportunities for pupils from national minority groups, will explore theoretical and practical aspects of addressing diversity and equality in classroom as well as will allow to visit local schools to gain a greater understanding how UK schools address diversity and equality (exchange of good practices)-Improving on language competences during the international training will help facilitate openness, acceptance and tolerance. - Learning about new innovative teaching methods in primary classroom will improve the effects of teachingPotential long term benefits are:1. Evening the disproportion in educational achievements of our pupils who show learning difficulties or who are threatened with social exclusion2. Permament extension of the educational offer of our school by introducing bilingual elements on particulat classes, which will help to improve on prestige and competitiveness of school3. Internationalisation of institution by extension of international contacts network – new projects with schools from all Europe.
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