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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project title: Foreign Language as a Tool in the School’s Professional Development ZSM-E is a school whose students mostly come from nearby rural areas and commute to Żywiec every day(about 80%) and the remaining 20% come from Żywiec. Our school has a very good opinion in the local community and is praised for its high teaching standards. Therefore, a great number of our students, especially those who come from local villages, is highly motivated and determined to achieve high school results as they understand it is the only possibility to improve their employment prospects. ZSM-E is a school with over 60-year old history and tradition of technical education. Its goal is to educate students so that they meet the demands of the modern labour market. Therefore, taking into account the ambitions and plans of our students concerning their future careers as well as the possibilities that the European labour market (in comparison with our own) provides, we have decided to provide our students with the necessary employability skills. It would enable them to compete successfully with their foreign peers on the common European labour market. We are convinced that the knowledge and skills of our students are of a very high standard, therefore we do not want our students to be underprivileged by their foreign language incompetence. Taking it into consideration we have decided to start up a project aiming at improving the foreign language competences of the whole school community entitled A foreign language as a tool of the school’s professional development. 1.Strengthening the cooperation with other European comprehensive and technical schools. 2.Adjustment of curricula to changes in the European labour market. 3.Raising awareness among students about importance of language education with regard to the European labour market. 4.Increasing the efficiency of language and vocational education resulting from the participation of teachers in European projects. 5.Modernization of the educational facility by including modern methods to everyday school practice. 6.Language education of the teaching staff. Project participants: 7 teachers have been chosen to participate in the project. They teach English, German, Chemistry and Polish. New challenges and requirements which we face mean that it is necessary to acknowledge the newest trends in language teaching and to include the foreign languages in the process of teaching in many areas. Ultimately, we would like to put CLIL into everyday school practice. Therefore, we have planned to start with extensive linguistic methodology teachers training, modernizing foreign language system in our school and using the knowledge gained in this project to educate both students and teachers. After completing the course, the teachers are going to prepare result dissemination plan which will help to present acquired skills and knowledge to the rest of the teachers through a set of seminars. In activities associated with the project which will be implemented after the courses the whole school community is going to be involved. Actions taken: 1.Preparation of the suitable application. 2.Taking part in training courses as part of the project. 3.Consultations upon the return and the organization of language courses for other teachers of different subjects. 4.Keeping the documentation related to the project in order to present it later to the teachers’ board and the initiatives related to the training curses (Culture Day, Day of Foreign Languages). 5.Report on the training courses and internal methodological conferences. 6.Organization of vocational trainings abroad. 7.Utilization of the acquired knowledge and skills in the education of students 8.Launching a regular English course for teachers of different subjects. Results: Professional abilities and methodological expertise acquired by the teachers during the training courses will be permanently included into our school development program. Having finished the training courses, the teachers will train other teachers in the field of methodology and language competencies. Our main aim is to update the school curricula and the ways of their implementation within every school subject. Furthermore, beneficiaries are going to organize regular language courses for staff. Additionally, we will try to develop the habit of sharing courseware, educational handouts and innovative methods of teaching. We would like to have our curricula updated and modified according to the current trends and made it suitable for particular students and subjects. Execution of the project will enable our school to raise the level of teaching foreign languages and integrate CLIL to everyday practice. The most important aim of our mobility will be establishing the cooperation with foreign institutions as well as organizing workshops and training courses for our students.
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