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"Jesteśmy przyszłością europejskiego hotelarstwa - zagraniczna praktyka zawodowa dla techników hotelarstwa"
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " We are the future of European hospitality - foreign training for hospitality technicians " was implemented as a part of the action 1 ( educational mobility ) of Erasmus + in the sector "Education and training: mobility of learners and staff in vocational education " and was consistent with the objectives and priorities of the program. The main objectives of the project were: preventing unemployment among young people, prevention of early school leaving and learning foreign languages.The project involved organizing professional training in hospitality enterprises to acquire professional experience in hospitality industry at European level. The duration of the project was 01.12.2014 - 30.11.2015 , and it was targeted at students of hotel technical school, third grade. A three-week training in hotels located in Rimini, Italy was a perfect complement to apprenticeship , which took place in hotels in Katowice. Working in Italian hotels provided the confidence and experience which is very useful for future graduates of our school in the domestic and European labour markets . The aim of the project was to extend the practical knowledge gained by students during school activities and the acquisition of new skills and competencies in serving hotel guests. In addition, through participation in this project young people broadened their language skills ( English), learned about Italian hospitality and acquired new interpersonal skills associated with independent decision-making, development of personality , as well as working in a group. Participating in foreign training, students will become more competitive in the Polish and European labour market. The experience which they acquired during the project will be reflected positively on the local hotel market . The sending institutionl made every effort to prepare properly young people to participate in the project. The main partner of the project was Sistema Turismo from Rimini in Italy which is engaged in the promotion, organization and management of work placements and educational programs for students, teachers, youth workers and organizations from across Europe. The places of training were hotels located in Rimini and its surroundings . The mobility started on 24.05.2015 and finished on 13.06.2015. A group of 20 students learning to become hospitality technicians took part in the mobility. It was preceded by a linguistic , educational , professional and cultural preparation . During the training , the participants took part in sightseeing tours combined with learning about Italian culture (Venice, San Marino, Italia in Miniatura). The students received pocket money in euros . The trainees had the opportunity to improve and develop skills in using English language in typical everyday situations as well as in situations involving the execution of professional tasks. After returning young people received certificates of participation in foreign mobility under the Erasmus + (Europass Mobility ) . The project was subject to evaluation at each stage using: the surveys prepared for the students , exchanging opinions with the students , partner and employer hosting the youth at the training . In addition, school teachers supervised young people at work and draw conclusions that were discussed at regular meetings . The evaluation referred to all aspects of the project (the budget , project management, recruitment of participants to the project , the effects of development, increase of knowledge and skills of the participants). The evaluation was conducted both in the school and at the place of practice through: surveys , interviews , analysis, documentation and observation. The project results were disseminated at a conference organized at the end of the project ( 19 November 2015 ) where the headmasters of Katowice middle schools, representatives of the City of Katowice , the Board of Education and local employers of the hospitality industry were invited . The conference participants using prepared multimedia presentations presented the process of preparation and course of professional practice in Rimini and shared their experiences and insights with the invited guests and talked about the acquired skills in the field of hospitality . In addition, they made a comparison of the local hotel market with the Italian one and showed the ideas of Italian hospitality which can be transferred to the local market .
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