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Jēkabpils Agrobiznesa koledžas izglītojamo un darbinieku dalība Erasmus+ mobilitātes programmā
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Jekabpils Agrobusiness college is the first-level professional higher education institution. College implemented the program of Economics, Management and Information Technologies directions. College Vocational secondary school chapter are implemented in secondary vocational education programs in accounting, business management, computer systems and programming. By participating in the Erasmus+ mobility program, College aim is to improve people's skills , encourage personal growth, investing in the quality of education and training at all levels students and employees. Bringing institutions to compete with new working methods and practical experience diversity better education system, increasing capacity by promoting cooperation between VET institutions and enterprises. To provide an opportunity for students to improve their personal development and competitiveness in the labor market is regulated. Educators and practice managers to increase professional development and improved quality of learning provision that could be used across Europe. All members of the mobility project aims to improve their knowledge of foreign languages and understand foreign cultures , thereby strengthening its contacts and capabilities across Europe. By participating in the mobility project, college wants to give the opportunity for work experience abroad to participate in the 14 students who will represent the two sectors : 1. Business, Retail - students of commerce and accountancy education program, 2. Information technology - students of computer systems and programming curriculum . These sectors are relevant and in demand in college , and it is an industry where the fastest development is going on and is being used in a variety of innovations, so students will be familiar with this area of foreign operations and gain new experiences. College leadership and staff exchange experience and acquisition abroad will make professional development, with a view to innovation and improving education and training in the future work, so college by Erasmus+ program will allow the 6 teachers or practice leaders and leadership consisting of 5 people, take this great opportunity to participate in practice watching and sharing experiences abroad. The major benefits of participating in learning mobility is an intergovernmental partnership and cooperation will be gained international experience in project preparation, implementation and monitoring. Within the project, participants will have learned new skills and ways of better quality and with new methods to manage learning and teaching practices in the process of linking education with business and employment. College employees who have participated in the cross-border exchange of experience, will make contribution to the learning process by improving the qualifications, experience new learning organization, repetitive newly acquired skills to the learners, which are not members of this project. College will become more modern and open to professional environmental organizations within the college building, as well as more visible and competitive Latvian scale. College will be responsible and will provide participants training before going to study mobility, documentation, health insurance, transportation tickets to the partner country. In contrast, the partner organization will be responsible for teaching practice and experience sharing the progress of the residence assurance activities, providing transport for mobility in the country. Members of experience and knowledge successfully will continue to use their personal and professional development of new methods and application of innovation at work and business. That is good basic to promote international competitive level entrepreneurship to contribute to the city , regional and national economic development. The College will have gained experience to operate internationally, improving leadership skills and enhancing cooperation with other countries and improving the quality of international project preparation, implementation and monitoring. All participants will be learning mobility of advanced foreign language skills, become a better understanding of projects, increased cross-cultural understanding and the formation of the active participation of the community, gaining new contacts and increasing their opportunities not only in the Latvian level but also at the international level. The greatest benefits will be able to see the long-term follow-up of the college's international development and activity, as well as innovative and advanced solutions in daily life. Good practice assessment results will interest students and members continue to participate in this type of mobility activities.

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