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"Jeg kan, jeg tør, jeg vil"
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Aug 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Given the care challenges that most of the municipalities now face, has Karmøy decided to start a pilot project in everyday rehabilitation. The introduction of interaction reform in 2012 states that municipalities among others should " treat minor and prevent more " while also being challenged in our thinking about the way to provide care at our facilities. Karmøy is in the initial phase of a pilot project in the health and care services in relation to everyday rehabilitation. The project will start with a pilot in a homecare in September 2014 . After the pilot is completed and evaluated , the goal is to implement the municipality's other home services. " Everyday Rehabilitation " is defined as the municipality inserting a limited , enhanced and interdisciplinary efforts to elderly people living at home with nursing and / or rehabilitation needs due to functional decline , with a focus on rehabilitation , self-management and autonomy for their daily life acitvities. Inspiration to carry on with daily rehabilitation , the municipality among others, has taken from several municipalities in Denmark, where it has been tried out in a few years with good results. To succeed with this new project, enhancing the competence for all professions working in home care seems to be a crucial part due to reports from similar projects. Karmøy has partnered with Holstebro municipality in Denmark in relation to enhancing competence in the organization. Holstebro has since 2007 been involved in home rehabilitation (defined as everyday rehabilitation in Karmøy ) . Additionally, we have included Åkrehamn upper secondary school in the project. Åkrehamn upper secondary school is a school offering vocational education at the secondary level, and the school is the main provider of health workers to apprentices in Karmøy municipality. Karmøy muncipality and Åkrehamn upper secondary school has a dense and close cooperation that has been going on for many years , and the parties agree that the inclusion of the school in cooperation with Holstebro can lead to increased opportunities for Karmøy in succeeding in implementing everyday rehabilitation. The projects main activity is about Holstebro municipality receiveing 20 people ( teachers , subject coordinators and supervisors ) from Rogaland municipality's health and social care services and teachers from Åkrehamn upper secondary school on work experience . In addition, Holstebro also receive six students and trainees on work experience ( implemented with funding from the Leonardo da vinci project awarded in 2013 ) . The desired result of experience phases is that the participants should be able to assess what can be generalized to work with everyday rehabilitation in Karmøy , how they can work to achieve greater self-help among users in the home , how to collaborate with other professionals to improve achievement for users and increased knowledge and practical skills in everyday rehabilitation so that they are well equipped to stand in the role as a teacher, instructor and tutors for students and colleagues in their business / school within this particular work field. The long-term goal of the work experience phase is that it will increase Karmøy and Åkrehamn upper secondary school competence in everyday rehabilitation.
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