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Start date: Jan 12, 2015, End date: Jan 11, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “I slam on health” will bring twenty young people of Nanterre (France) and Aizaria (Territories Palestinians), between 16 and 25 years old, to exchange during ten days in Nanterre. The project is born from a similar situation in the two cities : many young people know social exclusion, unemployment, isolation, physical (the partition wall in Aizaria) and psychological (social and cultural barriers in Nanterre). These conditions bring many youth towards risk behaviors (alcohol, drug, tobacco, other addictions…), with important negative effects on various aspects of the individual life, including physical and mental health, but also on the life of all the community (delinquency, violence, insecurity). Based on these common concerns, the project will focus on the topic of youth health and well being, as factor of social inclusion. Its objectives: 1. to better know realities with which youth are confronted in the two cities, to share the experiences on the topic of youth health 2. to increase youth responsability and to promote citizens behaviors, in particular those which are in situation of vulnerability, and thus to stimulate their active participation in the life of their city 3. to build together a strong message of engagement, tolerance, solidarity and to carry it towards other young people in Nanterre and Aizaria, but also in other French and Palestinian cities. Lots of activities are planned during ten days: thematic workshops and spaces of dialog, visits and meetings with youth in different neighbourhoods, dinner in families, institutional meetings, sports and leisure activities, radio transmission, evaluations, public event… the methods are different according to the type of activity, to facilitate youth active participation, their expression, their contribution : collective sessions, small working groups, photo-language, linguistic plays, intercultural discovering, debates…. These various activities will be connected by a 'red wire' throughout the exchange: youth will feed a Blog from day to day and will compose the slams inspired by the topic of the project, to recite them during the final public event. A final document will collect all the texts of slams. The project will be able to have a positive effect on the young participants, on individual level, reinforcing their competences and bringing self-confidence. It will be able to have a long-term impact on the local activities and policies for youth. It will bring to see youth as a richness for the democratic life of the city and will thus contribute to move back stigmatizations. It will encourage the participating organizations to benefit from youth capacity and potential. The exchange will take place from 28 May to 6 June 2015. A preliminary work will begin with a preparation visit in Nanterre and a set of workshops in order to prepare yuoth in the two cities. It will continue after the exchange, by a public event in Aizaria and the evaluation sessions in the two cities.

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