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Je renforce et valorise mes compétences de Bac Pro
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

8 volunteers and motivated young people who are studying whether in sales and trade sector or eyeglass and optical sector or management to get a vocational high school diploma, are going to have a work placement abroad for 4 weeks between January and March 2016. These young people will be helped in this step by their teachers (foreign language teachers and teachers teaching vocational and general subjects). Finding a host training place is made with the help of other partners of our vocational school such as twinning organizations (twinning committee between Cholet and Denia in Spain - twinning committee between Cholet and Germany), foreign languages school that work in partnership with our school, and personal contacts in each city. The training given in our school allows male and female students, who often failed in their studies, allows the youth to be more integrated into this training which is more practical, and to be more self-confident and to believe in their capacities. This training period abroad will allow the young people to increase their standing: a good impression for the companies in Cholet and the surroundings, a better impression for the young people who come from general educational schools. This training period abroad must be a real motivation for those students for going on with the studies such as training as a high-level technician and learning foreign languages. Thanks to this working placement abroad, the young people could better understand the different jobs they could have been confronted with, that's why it could be a real value for their future.

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