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Jaunimo integracija į darbo rinką renkantis nuosavą verslą, kaip alternatyvą tradicinei karjerai.
Start date: Jul 30, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Own business as a career opportunity“ will involve motivated young (18-24 years old) people from Lithuania, Turkey, Germany and Latvia, who is considering their own business as an alternative to the usual career. During the project exchange training will be held. It will be organized in homestead near Kaunas city. Preliminary date of the training is 10-18 August. Participants from Lithuania, Germany, Latvia and Turkey will participate in the project activities ( 6 young persons and 1 group leader). Methods that will be used in the exchange training: - Homework – introduction to the different business systems in different countries. During the week, several evenings will be assigned to a different exchange parties involved. Participating countries will have the opportunity to present their country business operating system, the achievements of young people in business. Of course, the business culture and entrepreneurial incentives also will be presented by each country. Party's performance will depend on the advance preparation at home. - Seminars, lectures, discussions – during these activities competent lecturers (entrepreneurs, business experts, consultants, representative of municipality and other stakeholders) will read announcement in business environment, it’s improvement, entrepreneurship education and youth involvement in business matter. Improvement of cooperation in youth entrepreneurship education between Kaunas municipality and it‘s partners will be discussed. - Simulation training (simulation of real business situation virtually) - participants will be divided into groups ( teams ) . Simulation game "EcoSim Adam 's goal is to help project participants to understand the mechanism of competition , principles of supply and demand forces operating and to make strategic decisions that have to make the company managers. EcoSim game model is oriented to the microeconomic level because the action takes place in a market, participants have to accept a micro one enterprise-level solutions. This method seeks to encourage teamwork , participants will engage in more activities. In addition, the simulation EcoSim Daniel will be played. This simulation game shows the formation of the market , supply and demand laws of the market price . Also , participants will have an opportunity to play the real estate simulation game EcoSim Maynard , who will develop their negotiating and sales skills , expand investment knowledge and bring teams together. - Work in groups (focus groups, brain storm). This method will be used by both the leaders of the team and the participants in the practical tasks. It will ensure the effective management of the project and the quality of the participants skills as a small number of people in the team allows to operate effectively, engaging all team members. Teamwork allows you to share information, express your opinion and discuss the most appropriate solutions. Also working in smaller groups increases the potential issues to be considered, the problems, formulated heterogeneous solution. - Monitoring and analysis of real business process – the participants will be introduced with the leading business companies in Kaunas region, municipality, organizations, educational institutions, which contribute to the improvement of business conditions and the promotion of entrepreneurship. In this way, the participants actually get to see the entrepreneurial challenges and solutions in Kaunas region. During the tours participants will have the opportunity to communicate with the specialists directly to find out issues of concern, to provide suggestions and ideas. - Meetings with entrepreneurs - meetings with young entrepreneurs in the region, both entrepreneurs and participants of the project will be able to exchange contacts and networking, to discuss opportunities for cooperation, share best practices and experiences, generate new ideas in general.
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3 Partners Participants