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Jätkusuutlik elukestev õpe Saare maakonnas
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „ Sustainable Lifelong Learning in Saare County“ applies for the funding of the personnel training of the institution. The priority is the improvement of competencies in the following fields: the management of international projects, the promotion and implementation of new learning methods, the improvement of foreign language skills, the development of curricula pursuant to demand, the development of e-learning, and the development of organisation through learning and teaching. The improvement of these competencies ensure the suistainable development of lifelong learning in the county as well as the personal development of adult educators. Using the knowledge and experience obtained in the frame of the project also enables to arrange quality retraining and in-service training courses for adult learners. Within the project the adult educators and staff of training centre Osilia in Kuressaare Gümnaasium (3 members of staff and 3 educators) will be trained. The participants have been selected by volunteering in among those adult educators, promoters, teachers and members of staff who have personal interest and motivation for professional development as well as necessary knowledge and skills to teach their colleagues afterwards. All the participants have higher academic education, necessary level of English and long-term experience in the field of adult education as educators or managers of adult training. The participants will undergo the selected trainings within two years time. The courses have been selected pursuant to the need of the institution and the county as well as the trends in the adult education. Every course is 5-7 days long. In order to carry out the project successfully, the agreement will be signed with the participants and with the organisers of the selected courses. The travel arrangements will be started as early as possible in order to have remunerative price in travel services. The project will be reflected on different levels: the institution's website, blogs, social media, local press and radio, seminars and conferences. The following knowledge and experience will be obtained in the courses selected in the frame of the project: the preparation of personal digi portfolio, studying the possibilities of e-learning and obtaining the effective performance of web-type facilities, the implementation of strategies of evidence based learning, using the means of media (tablets, smartphones, etc) in everyday study assignments, career promotion work on the bases of effective samples, planning and managing of transnational education. The listed competencies come from very different fields; however, diversity and fascinating differences will guarantee the versatile development and continuation of an institution. After the courses the participants will be required to teach their colleagues in voluntary free-of-charge workshops in order to pass their knowledge and experience to other adult educators in the county. Therefore, in potential future development the project will be beneficial to the entire county, its adult learners and educators likewise.
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