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Izmenjujmo spretnosti, Let's skills exchange
Start date: Jun 25, 2014, End date: Dec 25, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Let’s skills exchange skills. We all have them, and no matter how old we are, we enjoy learning when we are internally motivated. 23 young people and 7 leaders from Slovenia, Spain and Germany will take part at the international youth exchange and spend 10 days in the house, close to beautiful nature. Most young people are between 15 and 18 years old. The purpose of the international exchange Let’s skills exchange is in quality spend time in a multicultural environment, which will be co-created by young people. They will rise awareness of their skills and learn how they can be improved and used. International youth exchange will promote informal learning, intergenerational cooperation and the acquisition of social skills. Through a variety of activities, workshops, games, role games and cuisine, young people will learn about other cultures, share their skills and learn new. They will realize that foreign language is not just a school subject but useful knowledge for communication. Participants will focus on learning in the areas of music, circus arts, visual arts and multimedia. Every individual will decide to work in the area they are the most interested in. At the same time, we will take time to learn about the cultures from which the participants are coming during in cultural evenings. They will socialize with local people, who will present surroundings and share their traditional knowledge, intergenerational learning and discovering the beauties of Slovenia. Top of the exchange will be achieved in the context of cross-cultural event, that will happen in a small town of Vipava and will include interactive workshops and presentations which will include visitors. Even when the exchange is completed memories and friendships will remain. Young people will learn skills that will have an impact on their selfesteem and set goals for the future. Young people will continue to be in contact with national leaders of the exchange and they will have further support to develop their own competencies. The result of the exchange will not be only pleasant stay, but something permanent and tangible, perhaps a new exchange in 2015.
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