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Изграждане на институционален капацитет за училищно менажиране и вътрешно инспектиране и модернизиране на обучението по чужд език чрез употребата на ИКТ в класната стая
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our current project is focused mainly in two directions, covering both contemporary and modern management and school development and enhancement through the control of the quality of teaching, and modernizing the learning process through active and effective use of latest ICT in foreign language education of our students. Themes and whole project's context focus on the European priorities that aim at constantly upgrading skills and competences within the lifelong learning programme. The project's objectives are fully enforceable and real because we have the necessary human resources and personal motivation of the participants in the learning process and they can implement the commitments resulting from their individual mobilities. The profile of participants in these short in-service courses is as follows: the Director and Assistant - Director of Studies will take part in the mobility associated with the implementation of school control and the overall management of the school because they have the necessary expertise and experience in that sphere. Head teachers, senior teachers and teachers from teaching staff (at least 10 of them) will take part in the mobilities associated with the implementation of new methods and forms of teaching through the use of ICT in foreign language classroom. All of them will be elected in compliance with the selection criteria and after taking into account their own needs and personal motivation to participate in such trainings in ICT. Methodology that will be used for the overall implementation of the project will include pre-selection of suitable specialists for further training in individual mobility. After the mobility, these teachers will implement their knowledge and skills in various subsequent training activities for dissemination of the results. The expected results are the newly acquired skills and knowledge about the enhanced control of the quality of teachers' performance, the introduction of the teaching portfolio, as well as the increased personal motivation to work and achieve higher learning results from students. We envisage that the impact of the new knowledge and skills will favour the quality of teaching and the teachers' experience. We expect the use of ICT in foreign language teaching to give a boost of motivation and keep students in the classroom and also raise their interest in study and school subjects. Long-term benefits of the project will give expression in that a modern model of quality teaching shall be built, which will include new methods and techniques and will be in accordance with common priorities in today's educational process at European level.

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