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Izgradnja sodelovanja mest v čezmejni regiji med vzhodno avstrijsko Štajersko, vzhodno Slovenijo in jugozahodno Madžarsko z namenom razvoja skupne strategije in realizacije prvih pilotnih aktivnosti / Aufbau einer Kooperation der Städte in der Grenzregion (City Cooperation)
Start date: Mar 31, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. Building a lasting partnership in the project involving 24 cities on border between Austria,Slovenia and Hungary.2. The overall analysis of the situation and exchange of experience of cities involved in theproject.3. Development of a common coordinated strategy for future-oriented positioning of the cities inborder regions in the following areas:a. Increasing cooperation and information exchange between cities in the border regionscooperation and communication;b. Preservation and revitalization of urban centers as the traditional economy centers of theregion with social and cultural value of urban and regional identity - the development of the city;c. Positioning of the cities along the border as economic hubs of the Middle, East and SouthEastern Europe - positioning;d. Promoting economic development of businesses in cities to facilitate the joint development ofborder regions - economic development;e. Increasing economic and social links at all levels between the cities and regions of borderregions - building links;4. Development of joint pilot projects, activities and campaigns, and setting an overalldevelopment strategy;5. Development and establishment of an organizational model for the design andimplementation of these joint activities of cities within and between individual countries;6. Development of the concept for the establishment of a sustainable joint strategy, and for thecontinuation of cooperation after the conclusion of the project.

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  • 84.3%   1 515 950,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Austria (SI-AT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants