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Íz-Unió 3.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility programme with preparation and dissemination takes altogether 12 months, of which 4 weeks are spent in Serramazzoni, Italy. Students will attend 6 week-practice in Schwerin and Bremen, Germany as well as in Viborg (Denmark), Malta and Moulin-Yzeure, France. 8 weeks in working places are planned both in Tallinn, Estonia and Gerardmer, France. The cooperating partners organise a well-planned and pedagogically successful learning experience for 6+12+5+6+6+6+15+8, altogether 64 young students to the destinations listed above. Participants are young vocational students from Gundel Károly Vocational School, Budapest. They are student from catering and tourism section, cooks, waiters, confectioners. We plan to implement 8 mobilities in six countries in three languages within one project as they show very similar content and methods.The program organiser partners are well known for their dedicated and professional work. The German partner is a nonprofit civil organization, with officies all around Germany and the Baltic states, while the Danish and the French are big school complexes. Each of them have been organizing and carrying out successfully such programmes for years and two of them are also sending institutions. Though it is the first time to work with this Italian partner, it seems they are devoted to student exchange programs and have experiences for over a decade now.The receiving partners choose the work placements, restaurants, hotels in a way that they ensure the programme to be carried out successfully. They sign contracts with the work placements and during the placement in industry they check whether all the requirements listed in the contract are met and also the development of the students. The aims of the project are to improve the beneficiaries’ second language skills, to enable them to use technical terminology with ease. Also, to satisfy the needs of the beneficiaries that is to make them competitive on the labour market, to gain industrial experience, self confidence and maturity, to obtain employment outside their familiar surroundings, to make them acquainted with the specialities of the EU concerning career, employment and profession. According to the ECVET priorities we have introduced a new way of evaluation during mobility, namely a list in three languages containing steps and learning outcomes units to be filled by the students'own vocational teachers (at the beginning and at the end of the programme) and the mentors of placement work places. Hopefully by the end of the mobility programme our institution will be able to recgnize these learning outcomes. The evaluation of the mentors at the work placement is included in each students' Europass folio. The beneficiaries are vocational school students, some of them still minors, so we plan to send one teacher accompanying them for the first week at each mobility.Steps of the programme: discussing and agreeing upon the conditions and circumstances, recruiting beneficiaries on the basis of their application, preparation at the sending school (students going to Estonia will have an Estonian language course after their arrival to Tallinn), travelling, work placement, travelling back home, evaluation and dissemination. The tutorial and monitoring process runs parallel with the program therefore the opportunity is given to intervene whenever it is required. This is evaluated by the teachers of the sending schools. The aim of the preparation period in the sending school is to provide beneficiaries with the chance to improve their language and professional skills needed during the work placement. Students get acquainted with the essence and rules of the program and the laws applicable to the employees in the receiving countries. Furthermore a program is provided which helps students to adapt themselves to the local surroundings. After the preparation period students will attend 4to 8 weeks of work placement. Some of the placements will be organized in establishments with a close link to the host organization and reflect the ability and chosen field of the respective participants. In Italy students will complete their working practice within the school.Students write a work diary in which they describe their own experiences. The skills and learning outcomes acquired during the programme are acknowledged on the one hand by certificates issued by the work placements, on the other hand by accepting them and the work placement abroad as professional practice on the part of the sending partner.

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7 Partners Participants