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"İyi Öğrenmenin Yapı Taşları: Bütüncül Eğitim ve Teknolojiye Uyum", "(Keystones of Fantastic Learning (KFL): Holistic Education and Conformity to Technology)
Start date: Oct 24, 2016, End date: Oct 23, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Keystones of Fantastic Learning (KFL): Holistic Education and Conformity to Technology:The mission of our school-Körfez Science High School- placed in the Strategic and European Development Plan between the years 2015-2019 is to educate our students in accordance with the general objectives and principles of Turkish national education as reliable and modern people who-love life being dominated by science and having the requisites such as the knowledge, information, competence, attitudes and behaviors of scientific life style,-adopted a common public culture, having the conscious and power of contributing socially, economically and culturally,-know at least one foreign language well enough to pursue the developments and changes in the world,-improved their sense of self-reliance,self-control and responsibility,-respecting every individual and believe their power in group to gain a collective success.Therefore, we decided to plan a School Staff Development Project titled as "Keystones of Fantastic Learning (KFL): Holistic Education and Conformity to Technology”(inspired from our school’s acronym-KFL). As project coordinators, we planned to have 20 of our teachers attend courses in 4 different countries and 6 courses in order to fullfill our aims and meet our needs. As can be understood from the title that our project gives importance to holistic education which suggests collaboration instead of competition, quality instead of quantity, being a part of a whole instead of hierarchical dominance and educate humanbeing perceving both the psychological and biological side of him for a happy life. In line with this philosophy, holistic needs of our school from the managers to teachers have been analyzed. “School Management course” arranged in Finland -known as the most successful country in Europe and the world- is chosen for our young and dynamic school managers to see the best implementation (3 managers and 1 teacher). For the teachers having difficulty in implementing the requisites of constructivist methodology, using creative techniques and remunerate the usage of smart boards and tablets, three different courses are chosen titled as “A2-B1 English for teachers low level”(4 teachers) and “Activate Your English for teaching B1-B2”(5 English Teachers) in IRELAND; “Teaching Entrepreneurship and Leadership at school” (4 teachers) in ITALY; “Future Learning with Ipads and Tablets” (4 teachers) in FINLAND; “Outdoor Education for All” (7 teachers) in PORTUGAL. Thus, 20 teachers will participate in the 28 mobilities in the scope of KFL Project. Our purposes to do these mobilities are as be able to help our teachers to adapt and vary the teaching activities indoors and outdoors in accordance with the quality of the subject,2. to provide them with the exploration in Finland known as the best in education for an effective and productive school; to be able to provide teachers and administrators with the competence in computers and tablets in accordance with the requirements of the era of information,3. to provide our teachers receive training in one of the specialized countries about outdoor education to increase the quality of school and as a consequence the quality of our national education system, supply our teachers an English language course to follow the recent improvements in the world and be a role-model for their students, ensure a vision for our students about decisionmaking in career, entrepreneurship and to advance their life quality in the context of school.6. In general as coordinators we wish to have our school managers and teachers to contribute their individual, social and professional developments with at least one course abroad. By this way, our teachers and managers will be rewarding for our students. We will move up our school in the province of Körfez and Kocaeli and in our country while providing an added value for our national education system.The activities and information on holistic education and conformity to technology, the seminars held in Körfez and Kocaeli will be placed in KFL blog and its link will be in our school website and MEB pages. Thus, we will use the tablets given us by Our National Education Ministry -FATİH project- effectively and more than that we will be a role model for other schools. As a result of KFL project, a paper will be presented in a national congress on education. We have been partner in a KA2 project with 6 other countries, so another important output about our project in the scope of being European will be our sharing information with them.
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