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IT-solutions in Production and Business – Partnership for Stronger Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The plan of IT-solutions in Production and Business – Partnership for Stronger Europe project is an intensive international five-sided cooperation of ICT teachers, their students (partners from the Czech Republic - MSŠ - applicant organisation; Norway - AVGS, Germany - ZAW and Austria - BBS - partner organisations) and also ICT experts (ATS Global - partner organisation) in the field of programming. The cooperation is divided into 3 areas: robotics, creating websites and e-commerce. All the 3 fields are supervised by successful international ICT company, which practically solves these areas in its commercial activities. The main objective of the project is to improve the ICT skills of pupils of secondary schools in relation to the requirements of ICT companies – their potential future employers. Also the teachers of ICT subjects (especially those that have anything to do with programming) will have the opportunity to discuss their techniques and methods and compare the differences in the Czech, Austrian, German and Norwegian school practice. The outputs of the project will be following: 1) 3 functional programmes for manufacturing systems and small robots, 2) 3 functional websites (1 website for the project itself, 2 websites of student companies), 3) 2 functional e-shops (for products offer, possibly for services of student companies), 4) 3 interactive textbooks regarding 3 chosen fields of programming: a) Programming Educational and Manufacturing Robots, b) Creating Websites for Students´ Companies, c) Designing E-shops and Their Maintenance, 5) open dissemination conference with workshop on robotics - Pupils Are Designing and Programming ICT Systems. The project is based on 7 training activities - common student workshops in the fields of programming small educational and manufacturing robots, creating websites, designing e-shops and integration of complex bussiness applications (websites + e-shops). Important preparative and evaluation moments are 7 transnational project meetings, where the teachers of ICT, project management and practitioners from commercial sphere are present. The participants among students acquire, deepen and enhance their skills, skills and knowledge in programming small educational robots , manufacturing robots, web sites, e -shops and commercial complex systems. After completing the training activity will each participant receive certification and validation tool ECVET with well-defined units of learning outcomes depending on the focus of the particular training activity. Moreover, thanks to concrete work assignment and outputs gain the pupils professional experience in a real programming material. Participants among students will be able to meet the high professional tasks in their individual careers after graduation. Participants among ICT teachers of the will acquire, deepen and enhance their abilities, skills and knowledge of programming, both at the level of methodological guidance, so at the level of professional work experience itself (supervision and direct involvement of ATS Global – manufacturing engineering systems, manufacturing robots). The outcome of the project will further be 3 professional compendiums (study texts with video demonstrations in the form of interactive textbooks) in the areas of Programming Educational and Manufacturing Robots, Creating Websites for Students´ Companies, Designing E-shops and Their Maintenance. All three compendiums will be used in teaching programming, graphics on PCs and other ICT courses at all partner schools. The compendia will be presented at the dissemination conference and offered to be used by other vocational schools. By joining the project would ATS Global like to support the pupils of ICT discipline directly during their studies. The impact on ATS Global is to establish links with the teaching of ICT at secondary schools in 4 countries, ie a better understanding of learning process. ATS would like to offer schools the view of the company's practices.

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