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İşbirlikçi,Proje-Tabanlı Öğrenme ve Öğretme etkinliklerinde Bilişim Teknolojilerini kullanarak sürekli bir mesleki gelişim sağlama- Continuous Professional Development in the Use of ICT Tools in Collaborative, Project-Based Teaching and Learning
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is consist of a course activity and is called as''Continuous Professional Development in the Use of ICT Tools in Collaborative, Project-Based Teaching and Learning''. The main aim of the educational training is to develope project based education via using ICT for teachers, to enlarge using of eTwinning, to have teachers to create projects by using eTwinning programme and based on educational staffs trainings. The project will take part between 31 August till 6th of september in Republic of Malta for seven days. 17 educational staffs will take part in the project activities during that period. Our educational staffs who are going to take part in the project are the ones who want to update their professional skills, interests in the project theme, improve their foreign languages, want to cooperate and share experiences with foreigners, want to develope their professional skills, want to integrate the new methods and techniques inside classroom activities. We can summarise our project objectives as: -To develope educational staffs' dijital competence by learning new ICT and other technologies inside the classroom to get an effective education - To develope branch process by learning new teaching&learning methods and share their knowledge with their contemporaries - To break prejudices by learning and observing other cultures, develope the feeling of tolerance, respect and give value, develope cultural competence -To develope teachers class and school management, develope the school management capacity - To learn how to use eTwinning portal effectively and create eTwinning based projects in their branches by using foreign languages, for the sake of that experience to involve their students to those online projects, arise the awareness by creating projects in their fields(Geography, History, cultural lessons) -To develope teachers colloborative skills about the collobarative project based education - to diminish teachers pedegogical deficiency in project based education and learnings via this course -to arise teachers motivations towards foreign languages The following methodologies will be used in project activities; -The participants will have a face to face training along the whole course -Introducing the new ICT based modern technological equipments and their usage -Using eTwinning portal effectively, creating successful eTwinning projects -Learning web designs -Creating multimedia materials -Workshops and preparing educational materials -Arranging cultural interaction activities Results and Impacts -They will have international experiences in their filed -They will get self-confidence and a great motivation towards their professions -Get the opportunity to provide a more qualified education -Get the advantage how to use the new technoligies in their class activities -arise their digital competence and this will make a great added value to their educative side -By knowing other cultures they will develop their cultural competence -Develop their linguistic competence via experiencing new other modern languages.

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