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Irrigation expert simulator (IES)
Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Oct 16, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Scarcity of fresh water is a key issue worldwide, and the Mediterranean basin is one of the areas at risk. Irrigation is the main use for fresh water, accounting for 69% of global withdrawals and 93% of total consumption. More efficient management of irrigation in farms is therefore vitally important. Significant advances have been made in academic knowledge about the precise water requirements on individual plots, which can depend on many factors including type of crop, climate and soil properties. There is also new and improved irrigation technology to program a personalised irrigation schedule for each particular scenario, and for optimising irrigation under deficit conditions. However, there is a significant gap between these advances and the actual irrigation practices of farmers. Computer tools can be used to simulate conditions, compare benefits of different irrigation practices and calculate optimum irrigation activity. But the present generation of simulation tools is not adequate for the task. Some of them are too complex for use by farmers, or even for many technicians, whilst others are based on such simple models that the data produced can be used as no more than a reference. Objectives The main objective of the 'IES' project is to develop a web platform for training and supporting farmers in developing personalised irrigation schedules. This 'Irrigation Expert Simulator (IES)' aims to optimise irrigation water use by farmers and achieve the most efficient and beneficial use of fresh water. The project will develop a set of simulation and decision-support tools within a web platform that will enable farmers, technicians and experts to interact with an agronomical knowledge-base to get irrigation recommendations for case-specific scenarios. Users will have the opportunity to assess the expected outcomes of their management decisions by simulating irrigation schedules on a virtual crop. The project will test suggested models on a number of plots and will check results as achieved by a number of real users. It hopes to demonstrate improved efficiency in water use without reducing crop productivity. Expected results To provide farmers with easy-to-use software to identify optimum irrigation schedules for particular plots; Improved awareness by farmers of better water-use strategies and the improved ability to cope with water shortages; A 15% reduction in water consumption for irrigation practices without reducing crop productivity; Improved energy efficiency of irrigation; Reduced water and energy costs for farmers and therefore increased competitiveness; Improved marketability of irrigation management systems for suppliers and manufacturers; and The encouragement of water conservation and greater understanding of water policies by government administrations.

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