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Irish Research Council International Career Development Fellowships in Science, Engineering and Technology – Co-funded by Marie Curie Actions (ELEVATE)
Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Irish Research Council proposes a new fellowship programme called ELEVATE. ELEVATE will assist Experienced Researchers (ER’s) in the development of their research careers: ER’s can freely choose the research topic and host organizations that allow most for professional development. ER’s are required to design, monitor and review an Individual Development Plan, and will have a mentor throughout the fellowship. The evaluation criteria reflect the importance of professional and personal development of the ER’s.ELEVATE will be open to ER of any nationality and residing in Ireland, to undertake a research period of up to two years in a research organisation abroad, followed by a reintegration period of one year in an Irish research organisation.Fellows can spend the outgoing phase in academia or in a prestigious enterprise laboratory, and will maintain their interaction with the outgoing host during the reintegration period. Whilst ensuring that applicants can freely choose the host organisation, the Irish Research Council will actively support applicants in their search for a suitable outgoing host organisation, by making available a novel, internet-based ‘matching’ process.Following 2 calls for proposals, the Irish Research Council aims to award up to 45 3-year fellowships. Proposals will be assessed by international peer-review panels. The evaluation process and criteria are transparent and outlined in applicant and assessor documentation. Special attention is given to the selection and balance of assessors. The provisions in the “Charter and Code” are fully respected.ELEVATE fully supports the objectives of the activity heading ‘Life-long learning and career development’, and other European policies, such as the Innovation Union. ELEVATE fills a gap in current Irish funding opportunities, and will make a strategic impact on the Irish and European research landscape.

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