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Irány Európa! - Kerisek szakmai gyakorlata és tapasztalatszerzése külföldön
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background:Zwack Jozsef Trade and Catering Vocational School of Bekescsaba Center of Vocational Training (with its legal predecessor institutions) has been involved in international projects since 2004. In recent years, several fellow teachers have joined the initial team of 2-3 people to implement the projects.For years, we have participated in several projects (Erasmus +, LLP, Comenius and Without Boundaries) and we have developed a reliable, well-functioning relationship with our partners. In this project the partners are primarily the ones with whom we have already implemented a number of successful Erasmus +, and LLP projects (within the framework of predecessor institutions).We would like to continue these successful mobilities in the current Erasmus + program as well.Aims:- to realize on-the-job trainings of 92 students with the help of foreign vocational schools and companies- developing foreign language, professional, personal, digital, entrepreneurial, intercultural, social competences of the students- implementation of successful study tour/training of 23 VET professionals in foreign vocational schools and companies- developing foreign language, professional, personal, methodological, organizational, digital, intercultural competences of the teachers/trainers- to realize some procedures for assessment, documentation, validation and recognition of the learning outcomes achieved abroad- utilization of the project outcomes and documents- active cooperation in a network consisting of European educational institutions and companiesParticipants and professional background:1. Students:- catering-tourism (17 cooks, 20 restaurateurs (cook training), 2 waiters, 8 waiters, 9 pastry cooks)- trading (17 shop assistants, 21 traders)- at least half a year training experience, and at least basic level English/German language skills2. Teachers/trainers:- catering-tourism professional field (8 teachers)- trader professional field (5 teachers)- teacher of economy (10 teachers)- more years teaching experience, and at least intermediate level English/German language skillsMain steps of the project:I. completing the application for the tender- Making mobility-plan- Contact the host institution - Request for a Letter of Intent- Preparation of work programs- Editing Application Form and its annexesII. the continuous realization of the mobilities: - Making contact with the host institution (via phone calls, emails, reaching an agreement about the programs and schedules)- Applications for the mobilities, collecting the letters of motivation, selecting the participating- Preparation of the students (language, professionally, culturally, psychologically)- Conducting the mobilities (note: constant contact with the public during mobilities)- Evaluating the experiences- Disseminating the experiencesIII. Final project evaluationIV. Making final reportExpected outcomes:- Participants reports about their experiences.- Photos and videos, made during the time of training/study visit.- Protocols, job logs/diaries, training materials, reports prepared by the project team.- The development of individual participants' skills, strengthening professional motivation.- In the BSZC Zwack Jozsef Trade and Catering Vocational School to improve the quality of professional practice, and increase the quality level of vocational training.- A significant increase in the number of students and their teachers participating in foreign vocational trainings / study tours. Short-term effects: Gaining experiences during the mobility to fulfil the requirements described in the central program of the vocational training program, implementing professional training needs. As a proof of the successful completion of the training/study visit, participating student/teacher will receive a Europass Mobility Certificate.Long-term effects:- We will inform the public about the completed training through the channels of dissemination: the media and the press. As a result, the school can expect an increase in enrollment.- The project will help increase the participating students’ chance of employment and give them an advantage in the job market through the experience gained in an international work environment; through application of acquired modern knowledge, everyday and professional language skills and communication.-By utilizing the results and the documents of the project the level of vocational training will be rising.

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