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IPTA: Liga-te à Europa!
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IPTA (Instituto Profissional de Tecnologias Avançadas, Advanced Technologies Vocational Institute) is a vocational training school, property of ITA (Instituto de Tecnologias Avançadas, Advanced Technologies Institute).It provides with level 4 Qualification certificates and secondary studies’ certificates equivalent to the 12th grade.In the current school year 2015/2016, 287 students (230 boys and 57 girls) are enrolled.The mission is to develop a high quality vocational training in the fields of ICTs.Computer Science and ICTs are inherently international and they are under a permanent process of renovation and innovation.Hence the need rises for IPTA to be integrated in a European context and to be able to implement an improved organizational and didactic strategy. The 8 grants for the curricular traineeships are addressed to students attending the 12th grade in 2d/3D animation, ICT equipment management, Multimedia, Sound techinician and will comply with the following objectives:1) Internationalize the IPTA, creating a culture of mobility, opening and networking.2) Enhancing the quality of IPTA offer at a training, curricular and post-diploma level.3) Promote the Professional Development of the staffThe participants:The students are from Porto region and surrounding areas and they come from middle/ low income families. They present some problems concerning the rate of school failure, discipline and absenteeism.The main requirements in terms of professionalization of the students that justify the realization of the mobilities are:> GET TO KNOW THE PROFESSIONAL LIFE, ALSO AT EUROPEAN LEVEL> PLOT REALISTIC PROFESSIONAL PLANS > CONSOLIDATE LANGUAGE SKILLS> IDENTITY, INTEGRATION AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION both on a national and European ground.For each course there is a set of PROFESSIONAL SKILLS and CROSS COMMON SKILLS that any professional of computer science should master and that should be strengthen by the mobility and the traineeship:> Master the different technologies, equipment and software used in the destination countries> Map trends and preferences of the labor market> Develop at least one foreign language, both on an everyday and technical level.> Networking, getting to know companies and professionals at a European level> Integrate into hierarchies, comply with deadlines, objectives and goals, take responsibility and consequently manage time/work> Know how to work in a team> Deal with cultural differences: acceptance of differences, understanding of other ways of being / living, tolerance, non-discrimination> Be aware of the own work and self-value: self-confidence and self-assessment.The stakes of this project contribute equally to the objectives set for the Erasmus+ program, as well as the Rethinking Education Strategy by the European Commission, notably in the following aspects:> Bet on transversal and basic skills, especially ICT and entrepreneurship> Foreign language learning> Investment in vocational training and apprenticeship (work-based)> Create trained teaching staff which is also motivated and capable of initiative> Increase the number of young people in mobility> Strengthen the European identity and values> Encourage the free movement of professionals / citizens on the Single European Market> Internationalize schools through networking, contacts, tools and good practicesThe results for each group are: PARTICIPANTS> HIGHER EMPLOYABILITY AND EMPLOYMENT SECURITY> INCREASED UNDERSTANDING OF THE EUROPEAN LABOUR MARKET> ENHANCED CAPACITY of PLOTTING PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL PLANS> INCREASE THE FLUENCY IN MORE THAN ONE LANGUAGE> STRENGHTHENING OF THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND VALUES> improve self-esteem and consequently MAJOR INITIATIVE CAPACITY, RISK / OPPORTUNITY AND INNOVATION, essential components of entrepreneurship IPTA, at team and organizational level> INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION of IPTA as quality computer science training organization> Increased approximation between the Portuguese technological vocational teaching and the market needs> Exchange of best practices, knowledge, contacts, methodologies, initiatives both with regard to vocational training and to extracurricular activities, socio-professional guidance and integration into working life> Master of new certification tools (ECVET, Europass) and capacity of redacting own, custom certification tools> MOTIVATION OF THE TEAM School community and the local partners’ network of partnersIn these groups the impacts derive from the contact with the participants and the project team, that always end up sharing the results.This project is also a contribution to a comprehensive development of Portugal and Europe, since it enables human resources for innovation, excellence and competitiveness and also because it reinforces social cohesion values and internationalism.
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6 Partners Participants