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Ipoly-híd újjáépítése Ráróspuszta-Rárós települések között / Výstavba cesty a mostu cez rieku Ipeľ medzi obcami Ráróspuszta-Rárós (Ráróspuszta-Rárós Ipoly-híd / Most cez rieku Ipeľ medzi obcami Ráróspuszta - Rárós)
Start date: Jul 31, 2009, End date: Oct 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main basic of the economical growth is the suitable quality of the traffic infrastructure. The project aim is to reduce differences between the developed and underdeveloped areas in the following fields: living and, economical conditions, education, culture, health-care, social-care and infrastructure.The project is building bridge between Pösténypuszta Petov villages. Achievements: There were more than 40 bridges on the river Ipoly/Ipeľ before the II. World War but most of them have been destroyed during that time. This construction of the bridge is a flagship project of the initiative to rebuild and recontstruct those bridges. As for now the construction of the 75.4 m long bridge opened another border-corssing point on the Hungarian and Slovak border line. On the Slovak side 130 m of road, while on the Hungarian side, a 278 m long road leading to the bridge was constructed.
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  • 82.5%   3 037 014,85
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Slovak Republic (HU-SK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website