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Υπαίθρια Διαβίωση και Περιβαλλοντική Εκπαίδευση
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the past few years, through the process of Self-Evaluation of School Unit, we have come to the conclusion that in spite of the plethora of environmental projects that are implemented in school, the staff lacks experience in matters concerning education in outdoor living, which is not feasible to be taught in sparse seminars. Simultaneously, after having taken into account the modern requirements, we anticipate that the experience of an international communication facilitates the conception of the European cultural and educational framework, which we desire to impart to our colleagues as well as to promote to school.Therefore initially we are going to organize interdepartmental staff edification on outdoor living which adheres to a dual educational model, based on lecture and co operational work via experiential individual and group activities. Furthermore, the participants being divided in groups of equal numbers aspire to attend two seminars on outdoor living as well as one job shadowing activity in a school abroad where they will watch they way in which experiential learning through outdoor living is applied. Subsequently, we aspire to realise programs to which we will incorporate the entrenched knowledge, while we will seize the opportunity to collaborate with other European schools.The aim of this program is to convey new experience and knowledge about designing, implementing and evaluating the outdoor living programs to come. It is aspired that these programs will be institutionalized to our school curriculum. Focusing on the aforementioned initiative, the applicants will contribute with their own individual skills and knowledge. The participants are qualified with sufficient use of English language as well as a second foreign European language. Having the need for further expansion of their horizons, the participants are eager to attend this seminar and willing to work for the promotion of its tenets to the national and local sphere, but most importantly to the school unit itself. This initiative will hopefully facilitate the improvement of teaching and learning and assist in the structural and functional advancement of environmental programs, and eventually of the work of school.

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