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ion and management of natural water resources through revitalization, land development and stimulation of public awareness Varovanje in upravljanje naravnih vodnih virov skozi revitalizacijo, prostorski razvoj in osveščanje javnosti / Vizeink, mint (WATER IS ENVIRONMENTAL PEARL (WEP) / VODA JE BISER ŽIVLJENJA / A VIZ A KÖRNYEZET GYÖNGYE)
Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Realisation of the programme in all three cooperative museums that work in the minority region as a permanent museum pedagogical programme. Common infrastructure with the purpose of unified programme realisation and common products in both languages with the purpose of permanent usage: information available on internet, pupils exchange, mentors exchange, exchange of other information mediators, common learning of the minority language, common acquaintance with the heritage. Expected Results: Direct effects (outputs) of the project are among others a geodesic snapshot, building permit project, implementation project, water management permit and implementation project, which will enable the implementation of measures on watercourses with joint significance; Ledava with its affluents, Kobilje stream-Ivanjševci stream and river Drava. A contemporary on-line high waters forecast model will be set up on the river Mura and its affluents, which will be supported by education on safety and flood management. The study of the natural state of watercourses and its potentials will enable us the further planning of measures in accordance with EU environmental protection directives. We will perform international conferences and work-shops on the theme of waters and environment, which will enable meetings of experts and the exchange of opinions, experiences, as well as the presentation of good practice at home and abroad. They will be also intended for education and stimulation of the public awareness of the significance of preserving waters as the natures pearl.
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  • 76.4%   774 018,97
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Hungary (SI - HU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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2 Partners Participants