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Inwestuję w siebie, inwestuję w przyszłość – IV edycja staży
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project entitled „I invest in myself, I invest in my future – IV edition of placements”, in which a partner group of Żorska Izba Gospodarcza (Applicant), Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Żorach, Zespół Szkół Nr 2 im. ks. prof. J. Tischnera w Żorach, Społeczne Technikum Stowarzyszenia Rodziców i Nauczycieli w Żorach and Zespół Szkół Budowlano-Informatycznych w Żorach (Sending organisations), Tempo Libero Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS, VITALIS GmbH and Foundation WEXEdU (Foreign Partners), takes part is addressed to 60 persons in school-based initial vocational training – pupils from above mentioned schools (technicians of: nutrition and catering, hotel services, hairdressing, advertising organization and phototechnician, construction, geodesy, mechatronics, IT and electrics).An essential is to guarantee participants the opportunity to gain work experience, practical knowledge, which is extension of theoretical knowledge acquired during their school time, increasing the level of vocational training, gaining new vocational skills and knowledge of foreign languages through international placements. Mobility is designed to enhance the attractiveness and intellectual potential of participants and to integrate them with the requirements of the European labour market.The demand for this type of projects is because of the present economical and social situation, in which schools have to heighten the quality of education offered and competitiveness on the market all the time. In this context the project of placements for pupils is a great solution. It gives promotion, heightens prestige and increases attractiveness(of school and of vocational education)Besides, the knowledge given at school prepares pupils to work in Poland, rather than integrate them with EU standards, which should enhance their mobility within the EU market. In addition, the West Subregion of the Silesian Voivodeship has the young demographic structure, as a result faces a pressing problem with a large number of young people and lack of employment prospects for them. In this situation, 3-weeks’ placements in companies abroad will allow participants to put the knowledge acquired during the school time into practice, to develop specific professional skills in the operational context, and thus international experience gained will be an additional asset in the European labour market (it increases their chances of finding employment).Planned in 3 groups (IV 2016, X 2016, IX 2016) placements will be preceded by the pedagogical, linguistic and cultural (I phase) preparation organized in the country. Abroad the II phase of cultural preparation will take place in parallel with internship. These activities will be an opportunity for participants to improve their adaptability, language and intercultural skills.Main results:- international work experience of participants- practical knowledge, new vocational skills and qualifications (both, formal and non-formal)- language competences improved, technical vocabulary concerning each profession - better adaptability and new intercultural skills of participants- personal development of participants- increase of confidence and motivation to improve qualifications and skills- increase of social skills- international contacts established - increase of vocational education quality- increase of cognitive interests- increase of knowledge of conditions and standards of work in different EU country During the placements participants will learn about modern technological solutions used in data fields, equipment and software, tools, techniques and methods of work, standards of customer service or specificity of activity of the companies. Then they will share that knowledge in their country, first at school (lectures), then participants will use it at their future work. Due to that competitiveness of companies in which they will be employed or which they will set up, will increase. It will ultimately result as regional development. Long-term results: - higher level and higher attractiveness of vocational education- higher employability of participants- vocational mobility promotion- effective cooperation and strengthening cooperation networks between institutions, organizations and enterprises in Europe, which will lead to other future common activities.

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