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Investitionen in Menschen und Qualifikationen im Bereich Erwachsenenbildung im Rahmen der Donauraum-Strategie
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background: The general adult education makes a valuable contribution to the lifelong learning. It strengthens, supports and accompanies adults through high-quality education. Lifelong learning and the continuous development of new skills throughout working life are of central importance. Adult education contributes to productivity, competitiveness, promotes creativity and innovation and plays an essential role in the improvement of employability and labour market mobility of workers. Another important national initiative in the context of the Europe 2020 - strategy is the cooperation within the Danube region strategy in terms of "Investment in people and skills". Objectives of our project: The mobility programme is used to expand national structures, principles and proposals of lifelong learning in adult education and and to strengthen the European dimension through exchange of international know-how. Through our project "Investing in people and skills in the field of adult education within the Danube region strategy", the existing quality of education programs of our project partners should be increased. Furthermore standards to advance the internationalization of adult education and of lifelong learning should be defined. Number and profile of participants: A total of 20 participants will participate in training measures within the framework of our mobility project. They all have long-standing and extensive know-how in the fields of management, theory and practice of adult education, Public Relations and education policy. In education and training, as well as in the methodology and Didactics of adult education we occupy a pioneering role. Our project partners and their employees belong to different specialized networks within Austria. Our more than 70 members have many years of experience in cooperation with other institutions of adult education in Austria and abroad, ministries, church bodies, academic institutions and are all interested in education and training. Description of activities: The primary function of our project is to exchange expertise in the Danube countries through innovative and transfer-enabled course activities in the areas of adult education, intercultural competence, parent education, Public Relations and management and to contribute to trans-European transfer of significant developments in adult education. The participation in the course activities promotes a stronger international networking of adult education institutions and increases the use of scientific expertise within our mobility project. Methodology: New media as well as the promotion of methodical-didactical innovations involving ICT represent an essential instrument. The promotion of innovative education models for equality, intercultural and political education is important for our project. The mobility project 'Investing in people and skills in the field of adult education within the Danube region strategy' takes up this issue and will analyze a wide range of innovative education and training models for facilitators/tutors in adult education, in discussion with experts and monitoring best practice examples. Results: Our mobility project aims at promoting networking structures within the Danube region concerning our topics, which contribute to the development and professionalization of general adult education. The implementation of lifelong learning can only succeed if all project partners are involved in the process. Another important result is building networks to strengthen continuing education awareness with appropriate publicity and increasing the motivation to accept lifelong education and connect existing educational models with innovative approaches in adult education. Potential longer term benefits: The participation in the training measures in the context of our project "Investment in people and skills in the field of adult education within the Danube region strategy" contributes to a sustainable European awareness for educational policy makers and representatives of educational and training institutions. Furthermore it promotes a sustainable qualitative and quantitative increase of the mobilities abroad and the expansion of the European dimension within adult education facilities.
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7 Partners Participants