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investing in LAbor and Education in BOrder Regions (iLAEBOR)
Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

iLAEBOR aims at promoting innovative crossway connections between labour and (vocational) education for individuals who, due to multitude of issues (functional handicaps, negative social circumstances, low educational level, immigrant status, criminal past, or a combination of these) are at a significant distance from the labour market. Despite numerous, sometimes successful initiatives in the partner countries, the employment policy for the target group remains fragmented. The project will therefore focus on an overarching crossborder approach, searching for a structural connection between (vocational) education & employment and a successful, sustainable transition from school to work for the target group. An important priority in each of the participating regions will be to prevent drop-outs in education and to promote sustainable participation in the labour market. The issue being Addressing the issue from different perspectives in the participating countries, this project will offer the opportunity to enlarge increase the knowledge and ways to deal with this problem through collaboration between the partner organisations. An implicit and important goal of the project will finally be the metamorphosis of companies into social entrepreneurships namely through diversity management. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?Activity 1:- 120 company visits for people with multi-problems (40 per partner) and their coaches / trainers / mentors, 6 realized job-application training (2 per partner country, ca. 12 people per training);-training Program (work preparation Program apprenticeship ) for 90 people with multi-problems (30 per partner)- 15 information sessions realized for coaches / trainers / mentors (5 sessions per partner, totaling 40 coaches) participating in secondary vocational schools- post-graduate / bachelor degree course 'diversity management'- ICT platform for online support for ICT-based adaptation-resources for the target group.Activity 2:- new (ICT) assessment tools for matching supply and demand, incl. 1x digital Validation of Prior Learning system & 1x digital system for Personal Development Plans;- realized use of (ICT) tools - 'assistive technology' – for individual coaching, train-the-trainer and awareness for the target group. Specific numbers cant yet be given. The need for this will appear during the project, after recruitment of participants.'- partners aim to have adjustments on the workplace realized for at least 5 participants per partner country;- 1x digital learning-resources database for practical & competence-based instruments / materials;- realized coaching / guidance of 90 participants (20 per country) from the target group towards employment in an SME or self-employment, including internships, in the regular labor market. All products are cross-border applicable in the 2-seas area. (preparing to the real Labor market)Activity 3:- developed diversity plans, including procedures regarding recruitment & selection, reception, working conditions, labor market repositioning;- coaching of employers and employees: numbers depend on the location / number of participants per company. Principle is that in each company a mentor / coach is trained and that each participating employee (90 in total, spread over 3 countries), will receive individual guidance- 15x diversity audit in companies (5 companies per partner country), leading to 1x audit report (overall report)-1 x report on possible funds / subsidies for inclusion of people from the target group in companies- Training and information sessions for coaches / trainers in companies (Summer School: 1x per partner).Are all partners and territories benefitting from the results?A central starting-point in the project is the school drop-out looking for an employment. The direct target group mainly consists of:1) Individuals: persons with a range of problems giving them a considerable disadvantage in the labor market. These include individuals with any combination of disability (i.e. physical, mental or emotional), any adverse social circumstance, criminal record, low educational level or origination form an ethnic minority. For those individuals, access to the labor market may be permanently reduced.2) Education (secondary vocational) and special education. The goal is to link more closely with business and get access to a coaching-/ tutoring curriculum & methods necessary for a successful and sustainable employment support.3) Certain enterprises (i.e. SMEs wide with> 10 employees). These enterprises will be trained in coaching/supervising their employees and in setting up policies to guarantee a certain and sustainable inflow of employees. A selection of companies - Lotus Bakeries, Archelor Mittal, Umicore & Volvo are already willing to cooperate.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?The overall outcome is that those with multi-problems are not as distant from the labour market, in the 2 Seas area. The following outcomes will be acheived per activity:Activity 1: increased extracurricular learning opportunities - such as job training, company visits; setting up training courses for the target group (persons with multi-problems); provision of training and information sessions for the target group and their mentors / coaches in education through; production of a post-graduate / bachelor degree course 'diversity management'; development and implementation of online support on ICT-based adaptation-resources for the target group.Activity 2: production of assessment tools for matching supply and demand; tools for 'assistive technology' – for individual coaching , train-the-trainer and awareness; establishment of an (online) support for (ICT) tools for the target group towards self-entrepreneurship; coaching/supervising 90 participants from the target group towards an employment in the regular labor market.Activity 3: diversity plans and procedures developed; coaching of employers & employees including information sessions (Summer School); diversity audit in companies from 5 companies per partner country.
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  • 50%   1 085 815,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants