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Invatare deghizata inteligent in distractie
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Learning clever disguised in fun "        SWOT analysis performed before drawing our development plan kindergarten reveals the priorities and targets Kindergarten Learn & Play , Sibiu in 2013-2017 . A critical issue and realized in the next period is to improve the curriculum by familiarizing teachers with innovative teaching methods and sharing best practices among teachers from different European countries . Teachers involved in this project want to train to be more effective in teaching-learning activity evaluation . To improve the quality of the curriculum in our nursery , kindergarten teachers wishing to familiarize themselves with innovative teaching methods and share best practices , ideas , opinions , strategies among teachers from different European countries . Another target of our kindergarten is to strengthen the European dimension in everyday teaching process by increasing professional development opportunities for staff, willingness to integrate best practices and innovative teaching methods in daily activities and create modern and dynamic learning environment by increasing teachers' motivation and satisfaction in their work everyday .       Another area of interest to our nursery is to increase the engagement and participation of staff in intercultural activities through greater responsiveness to the social, linguistic and cultural . experience abroad will improve communication skills in foreign languages and teaching skills of our staff . ICT skills are also very important and represent prerequisites for successful employment of staff in the community of European intercultural teachers .       Since a part of our teachers have completed specialized studies or not based Pedagogical School , and another part have fewer years of experience in working with preschoolers, we decided in the Council staff leaving five teaching personnel in the two previous training , who will attend the opening and interesting classes for 7 and 5 days.    Participants in the two training courses will have the opportunity : to be aware of the European dimension of education and the need may come in contact with examples of good practice of activities of child-centered education, a wide range of teaching and learning innovative learning through practice , interactive methods developed by indoor activities and outdoor learning Latvian folk games and traditional dances , introduction to theoretical and methodological aspects : course content, subject ( math and science ) in preschool curriculum , practical workshop work on teaching methods , exchange of best practices of preschool education institutions in Riga , familiarity with specific preschool education in Latvia with best practices , visit preschool outside the city of Riga.     Also , participants will have examples of good practice innovative methods of teaching and learning through the use of art , ICT and sports. In addition , students will have the opportunity to improve their skills and English skills by acquiring specific terminology related to course topics .    The positive impact of this project on the participants is reflected in the individual development of each participant in terms of professional and social aspect that positively influences the activity of the institution apply. After participating in the courses provided by Erasmus + will develop teachers' experience of working in a team , thus giving origin kindergarten team . This course will foster cooperation intercultural competences of teachers will improve positive attitudes towards the cultures of other European countries and will experience different methodologies through practical activities . Teachers involved will share both kindergarten backgrounds, kindergartens and other local and national intercultural learning atmosphere and will lend new ideas to be included in our work .     Children will be the main beneficiaries of our experience gained through this mobility , which we try to develop digital literacy and creativity through interactive games, musical competent , power , confidence, taking responsibility of their actions , environmental friendliness , teamwork, ability to achieve knowledge transfer .

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