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Invasive vertebrates - Control of invasive vertebrate species in the Islands of Portugal and Spain (vertebrados invasores)
Start date: Jan 1, 2003, End date: Nov 30, 2003 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The Islands of Spain and Portugal harbor significant proportions of the native biotas of the European Union. The introduction of alien species is a major threatening factor for the global biodiversity; this problem is particularly significant in insular environments, where the evolution processes took place in isolation, in the absence of certain continental taxa. The problem is of such a magnitude that up to 12 LIFE-Nature projects carried out in the Spanish and Portuguese archipelagos dealt with some kind of control measure for alien invasive vertebrates. This initiative, then, emerged as a necessary step to share the knowledge gathered along those projects and lay the foundations to face together the growing problem of invasive exotic species in islands. Objectives The aims of this project were: To share the know-how gained through the many activities carried out in the framework of LIFE-Nature to fight the invasive alien vertebrate species in Island environments. To set up networking mechanisms among Island administrations for the monitoring and exchange of technical information about the invasive alien species. To raise awareness of the relevant sectors about the magnitude of the problem, the need to establish preventive measures to limit the introduction and settlement of alien species, and the importance of the native habitats and species. Results The result of this project was a really enhanced cooperation framework both between the project partners and with third parties, which contributed to the integration of efforts and approaches to manage invasive alien species (IAS) within the existing national and international initiatives working in this conservation problem. The large set of products of very good quality produced as a result of the actions implemented are a significant contribution to facing the problem of the invasive species. As regards the specific activities carried out in the project, these are their main results: Symposium “Control of invasive vertebrates in islands of Spain and Portugal. The symposium took place in Tenerife on 12-14/02/2003, with the participation of about 60 technicians. The event focused on the initiatives implemented in this field in recent years, mostly with the support of the LIFE financial instrument. As a milestone result, a set of final conclusions were agreed and a joint “institutional declaration” was adopted by the regional governments involved in the project as partners, meaning a very important commitment that will enable a cooperative framework on this matter in the future. (Both documents are available in English, Portuguese and Spanish). The beneficiary edited a book with the minutes, a document with the synthesis of the talks and debates and other documents produced pursuant to the discussions held, all downloadable from the project’s Website. Document with a pilot and demonstrative environmental education program. A methodology for programming environmental education sessions on IAS, ample enough to be adapted to different contexts, was developed. The method, which follows a similar approach to the ones used for EIAs, became a closed product but an open document that can be fitted to different social environments and target groups. It is based on similar experiences of the IUCN, who advised its design. Some pilot implementations of the method were carried out to test its applicability. The beneficiary also evaluated the method concluding that it is systematic, coherent, relational, simple, complete, efficient, etc. The document produced comprises a very interesting approach to planning environmental education matters, with the added value that it could be useful at a scope broader than just the IAS. The book was edited in CD format (not initially foreseen) and was widely distributed in pdfformat via e-mail to Education Departments of several administrations, environmental education firms, specialists, etc. Handbook for the management of invasive alien vertebrates. With the main aim of collecting experiences and analyzing all the relevant information (results, costs, equipment dealers, etc.) to speed up access to key information, the handbook was elaborated, edited in paper and electronic format, and widely distributed. A first edition was released in December 2003 (an improved version was announced for the year 2004). This was an outstanding project product, readily useful tool for any dministration (mostly in islands) willing to address the problem of invasive aliens. This handbook could become a reference manual for the international organizations dealing with the problem, such as the IUCN, as they already expressed their satisfaction on the quality of the product. It is already used by the technicians of all the administrations that are project partners. Documentary about invasion of alien species in islands. A 16-min high quality documentary, integrating images and examples of all the archipelagos involved in the project and conveying a clear message, was edited both in Spanish and Portuguese (500 copies each). The script deals with the problem of invasions in islands, focusing on vertebrate invasive species and their effects over the island ecosystems and diversity. The film was distributed to schools, cultural centers, NGOs and Departments of environmental education of the administrations involved in the project. It was also foreseen that they were disseminated through local and regional TVs and the project’s Web site. Networking on monitoring of alien vertebrates , coordinated with international initiative was another key action undertaken. A permanent information exchange network was set up via e-mail among the project partners. Also, the participants were proactive in extending the flow of information beyond the project scope, disseminating the products edited in several international forums. More than 1.000 specialists were targeted and an ample acknowledgement was achieved. Thus, the beneficiary and partners became actively involved in the existing initiatives on invasive aliens, namely: The Spanish partners integrated themselves in the national programmes through the Iberian Group of Invasive Alien Species. The beneficiary participated in the first national congress on invasive alien species, and presented the project activities. At the international level, the project partners took part in the international forums organized around the IUCN initiatives regarding invasive alien species. A collaborative framework was started by the Canarian regional government with Dr. CLOUT (IUCN SSC-ISSG) and Dr. DE POTER (Cooperative Initiative on Island Alien Species). The web sites of the IUCN, the GISP and the Canary Islands regarding invasive alien species were linked. The project had an important incitation effect, as it triggered the submission of an INTERREG project that was finally financed, called ATLANTICO, aimed at collecting in a database all the information available about the biota of the Atlantic Archipelagos – including the available information about exotic species. The reinforced cooperation among the island archipelagos caused the submission of a second INTERREG proposal (LARUS) dealing with the coordination of actions for the conservation of the Macaronesian biodiversity, including the exchange of information among partners for the eradication of invasive flora and fauna (a workshop, a database, joint research and a congress are programmed within this framework). Interaction with the project LIFE02NAT/E/8614 (Giant lizard of La Gomera) was also reported, involving the use of the project products for the implementation of the project actions and the use of the generated model of environmental education program in the Island, to aid the fight against feral cats. The main information and documents produced in the project (minutes, synthesis, conclusions and other documents pursuant to the Symposium, ‘Handbook for the management of invasive alien vertebrates in island environments of Spain and Portugal’, ‘Method for programming environmental education activities’) are available free for download at the project’s Website: Though most of the information is in Spanish, some is available also in English, namely the Symposium conclusions and the institutional declaration pursuant to it.
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