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Introduction training in electronic business
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Electronic business, or e-business, is the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business. The term "e-business" was coined by IBM's marketing and Internet team in 1996.With the globalization of the economy, e-business and e-commerce will be essential in creating a business strategy of the companies but also will be a powerful tool of the economic development. The potential of e-business in Macedonia is not utilized. The percentage of firms using ICT is low compared to developed countries although it is in a constant growth.Macedonia has relatively good infrastructure for development of e-business however adequately trained staff is also needed. E-business can be studied on some faculties but students in secondary economic schools have not yet learned e-business. The study certain education for business but it is focused primarily on:- general business- small business- business management and marketing and - human resources management.Project objectives:This project aims to introduce students with the e-business, advantages of e – business and how e - business can increase the competitiveness and growth of micro and small businesses.The training will discuss the concept of e-business and explain how the internet and other related technologies are changing different functions in business.This training will also enable students to understand how the internet and the emergence of e-business can provided entrepreneurs with many new advantages and opportunities. The group of students from the School who will attend the 2 weeks practical vocational training in Ireland comprises of 27 students of the economic vocational education. From perspective of their education profiles, the group structure is as follows 13 economic technician, 12 technician for trade and marketing and 12 bank technician.When choosing a partner for the realization of the project, the following criteria were taken into consideration:- the partner to be reputable institution that offers conditions that are necessary for the realization of the project objectives, - to have experience in similar trainings.After the training in Ireland, the students will share the gained knowledge and experience to the other students from the school.The cooperation with the Center for practical education and training will enable accomplishment of long-term objectives because efforts will be put into integrating practical lessons in the educational programs of certain school subjects. Students from Josif Josifovski school will benefit from established network with the Irish companies. Improved language competences will enable students to strength communication with the Irish partner which on the one hand leads to open- and international-mindedness on the other allow students to read easier English economic and business literature. In addition internationalization, already established cooperation with international organizations, and mobility projects implemented in the school years 2013/2014 in Italy and 2014/2015 in Slovenia improved reputation and attractiveness of Josif Josifovski School. This project will further contribute to School’s modernization, international relations and multi-stakeholders partnerships.
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