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Intrecci sull'acqua. Sviluppo del trasporto via acqua e delle connessioni intermodali sul tratto Lago Maggiore-Ticino dell'idrovia Locarno-Milano-Venezia (TRANS-IDRO)
Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: May 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The restoration of the Locarno-Milan-Venice waterway aims at connecting the Po Valley with Transalpine Europe. Considering the vast area, the project aims to offer an important contribution to the completion of the infrastructures needed for the waterways implementation and the creation of a functioning, efficient and sustainable transport system. More precisely, the project is about the construction in Arona of an interchange port for passenger transport towards waterways (Industriale and Villoresi canals) that will lead to Milan at first and then to Venice. The project will also carry out an analysis of the problems (such as bottlenecks) arising from the rail connection and will suggest possible solutions as well as define actions for the enhancement and promotion of tourism between the areas.
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  • 66.8%   303 750,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Switzerland (IT-CH)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website