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Internship Abroad - Mehr als nur ein Praktikum
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Student: In order to finish the HTL Hallein it is necessary to do internships for a min. of 8 weeks. The HTL Hallein and it's partner schools will provide work placements abroad. These internships should give the students the opportunity to learn for their future careers and also to do a lot for their individual development. Managing their everyday life abroad is a new experience for most of the students . Organizing living, food, public transport, etc. is a great challenge for them. In the summer holiday 2014, 10 students of the HTL Hallein will do their interships abroad. Therefore the HTL Hallein established partnerships with different schools in England and the Netherlands. Every partner has to organize the internships for the students coming from abroad. HTL Hallein looks for companies which can provide internships in the greater area of Salzburg. In June/July and September/October students from Sheffield and Drachten will come to Hallein and teachers of the HTL Hallein will support these students during their stay here in Hallein. The cooperation between the schools from Sheffield, Drachten and Hallein was established in the last years during different Comeniusprojects. The partnerships have become very stable in the meantime. We organize the projects and keep in touch mostly by e-mail. During the last years we have got the possibility to hold conversations face to face a few times. During these meetings it was possible to discuss all the problems and fix up the strategies for the future. On the basis of these internships the students should learn to cope with the problems that arise from living abroad and can realize the chances of going abroad. The employees of the different companies are forced to use English for communication. Most of them need not speak English at work or at home. During the internships the students have to communicate in English. So they will lose the inhibition of speaking English and get in contact with foreign people. The first days abroad the students will be integrated into the everyday life at school. So they should become acquainted to schools abroad. After that first phase they will work for 3 to 4 weeks at different companies. During their interships the students should frequently report about their expierences and jobs. At the end of the interships the students will write summaries and will be able to have presentations at school and for the local press. In the future the HTL Hallein will try to organize longer stays abroad for our students. They should attend schools abroad for minimum of 6 months. But untill now we have not built up the basic conditions. Also, students have a lot of concerns about going abroad for a longer period of time. We therefore have to built up an organisation and have to make much more of experiences to send students abroad. Teacher: The Higher Technical School in Hallein, Austria set its aim to get in contact with other national and international schools. Therefore it became a member of the EACD and is also doing educational work in that case. Besides teacher development, the school´s goal is to improve the teaching standard and to offer teachers the opportunity to get a closer look at the working techniques and themes of stonework in other European countries. Teachers should give their best to do their work and they should be able to pass the exam for European Master of Craft. This title will be presented in public and should be a standard for the high qualitiy of this education at the HTL Hallein. With this project teachers should have the possibility to get in contact with other international schools and pupils should be put in contact with other schools as well to do an intership in other countries. Therefore pupils should get the chance to find a place for their individual needs. For that purpose a teacher is sent, who has successfully passed the stonemason exam in Austria and the sculptor qualification in Laas, South Tirol in Italy. Attending the international stonemason festival and sculpture symposium he was able to collect lots of experience in that matter. Due to his educational studies at the PH Salzburg he was qualified to teach at the HTL Hallein. The EACD Tour takes place at 6 different places within 2 years. There will be written a report about each place as well as a kind of diary for craftsmen where all the experience will be documented. During the tour there will be held meetings. The 3 topics will be published in a specialised book. Currently 7 people from Germany, Finland, Swizerland, Austria and Israel are attending the tour. At school there should be offered a plattform for economy which should support the communication between national and international schools. The exchange of knowledge should young people help to get better educated in the stonemason field and furthermore they should have better chances at the job market.
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