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Internationalisierung und Verbesserung der deutschen Ausbildung unter gesamteuropäischen Aspekten
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ABB Training Center GmbH & Co.KG is planning mobility projects for trainees of ABB and affiliated companies in Wales, Malta, and Denmark. English is the language that will be used in all three countries. Owing to differing schedules in the vocational colleges in Germany the length of the various stays abroad differ - 9 weeks in Wales, 4 weeks in Malta, and 3 weeks in Denmark. Our trainees in business admin will go to Wales, whereas our technical trainees are earmarked for Malta and Denmark. German industry and ABB in particular are in need of superbly trained employees with good language skills (at least one foreign language) and a high level of personal skills. They wull additionally have experience in working abroad and thus have no problem to work and live abroad if necessary. The main aims of our projects are the improvement of the language skills (English) and personal skills. All in all there will be 54 trainees enrolled in this mobility project: 1) 20 trainees in business administration, who will work in Swansea in SMEs and local retailers. 2) 34 technical trainees (elelctronics/mechatronics) : a) 14 participants to Denmark and the vocational college Mercantek in Viborg. BWithin the scope of this activity there will also be a mobility project by our Danish partner with Danish trainees coming to ABB in Heidelberg. b) 20 participants to Malta, where they will work in SMEs in electronis/mechatronics. ABB does intentionally not send our trainees to other ABB organisations to ensure that the experience our apprentice have is very widespread and not influenced by the ABB way of doing things. The projects in Wales and Malta are insofar similar as the participants will be working in selected organisations (shops/offices/local authorities). Additionally there will be several sightseeing visits with a historical and cultural background. Twice weekly there will be English courses in the evening including cultural information and discussions, and there stay will then terminate with theexam SEFIC) of the LCCIEB which is recognised worldwide. The compentency levels are C1/C2 for the business admin trainees and b1/B2 for the technical apprentices. In both countries they will be accommodated in holiday apartments/flats which will add to the further development of their personal skills as they have to organise themselves (organise cohabitating, rules, cvosts, planning, etc). In Denmark the trainees will be attending courses and workshops with their Danish counterparts (who will also come to ABB Heidelberg on their own ERASMUS+ project). They will also work-shadow in local enterprises. They are accommodated on the college premises (boarding). The long-term benefist of this project are better qualified employees with "European work experience" who can integrate more easily in multinational teams and can availthemselves of cultural and foreign langauge skills - employees German industry is in need of. Additionally 14 of our own trainers will go for their own learning experience to Denmark (4) and Wales (10). These will be technical trainers. Just as the trainees the trainers will have work experience in Welsh organisations and also additional cultural and English courses. In Denmark they will be fully integrated into the vocational college, but also work-shadow in local enterprises. The working language in both cases is English. Whenever possible we plan to send our trainers at different times from the trainees (this might also create bottle necks regarding placements, but in particular in Wales slight overlaps might occur due to the fact that our trainees are in Wales for 9 weeks. Arbeitssprache ist auch hier Englisch. Also here we aim at having better qualified training staff who then can also prepare and advise the trainees better and more easily for their stay abroad. Trainers alwasy set an example, and when trainees realise that also their trainers have taken the plunge (not that this is really a problem with our trainees) and stayed abroad for a learning experience, they are more readily prepared to do the same.

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