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Internationalisierung des Friedrich-Wöhler-Gymnasiums durch Aufbau von multilateralen Schulpartnerschaften. Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten zur pädagogischen IKT-Nutzung für eine multilaterale Schulpartnerschaft
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Friedrich-Wöhler-Gymnasium wants to start a process of internationalisation. The project aims to raise skills in Cross-curricular teaching and ICT-skills. Alltogether, we intend to send out 3 teachers. They will participate in an in-service-training course abroad to raise their ICT skills but also to find potential partners for future projects. This two-year school education staff project aims to implement european projects in our school. We are planning to implement both longterm partnerships for joint projects and projects with changing partnerschools. We hope that the experiences in the pedagogical use of ICT and internationalisation will make our teaching more relevant and motivating to both teachers and students.
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