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International Work Experience 2016/2017
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Humpis-Schule Ravensburg is pursuing an internationalization strategy. Important parts of this are international experiences of the students. Therefore, the Vocational School Department has offered various trainees the possibility of an internship in other European countries for years. For some of the beneficiaries participating in an internship abroad is mandatory because of the curricula of their vocational training. In addition, interested students from other classes with lessons in foreign languages internships abroad are made possible after a successful application. The learning of international skills and the improvement of personal skills are the main goals for the students of Humpis-Schule. The Humpis-Schule itself wants to be perceived as a competent partner for companies in the field of international commitments and improve its attractiveness accordingly. The participating training companies aim to get more competent and mature employees. The students should be strengthened in their attitudes to European society and should be prepared to be mature and responsible citizens. Overall, the stay of young people in other European countries should give insights into all areas of life and thus advance the European integration and, in particular, to ensure peace in the long term.A total of 65 participants are planned. 62 participants go to England (40 to London, 20 to Chichester, 2 to Guildford). Each one goes for 23 days to do an internship in companies. On a different date an additional 3 participants should undergo an appropriate placement for 16 days in France.There are two groups:Approx. 40 people take part in the training programme "AusbildungPlus" as assistants in industry, wholesale and foreign trade, office or a forwarding agent or specialist for warehouse logistics with the additional qualifications "foreign trade, logistics, controlling and foreign languages". At the time of the stay, the trainees are in their second year. These beneficiaries are of legal age and have University or College Entrance degree.The second group was recruited from other trainees from different and some other professions. The prerequisite is that the necessary language skills are proven and that the personal suitability is given.The vast number of beneficiaries has not had any practical experience with foreign languages in other European countries.The training companies of the beneficiaries are almost exclusively small or medium-sized Upper Swabian companies whose trade relations are characterized by increasing international interdependence.The activity consists largely of an internship in a company abroad. The participants in England get lessons in English one day a week. On at least two weekends day trips will take place each one organized by the students themselves. Except for the 3 beneficiaries who participate in the internship in France, all students will be staying with host families to support a closest possible relationship and to encourage them to speak as much English as possible.In addition, two participants are scheduled for a two-months internship in England.There is extensive organizational work necessary. The Humpis School is responsible for the application, the linguistic and intercultural preparation of the participants, documentation and travel planning. The partner institutions organize the internships and accommodation. Students are required to participate and to comply with a Code of Conduct and edit some projects whose results will be documented in their school-leaving certificate.As further results positive developments in the personal and linguistic skills of the beneficiaries are expected. The motivation, to see the process of European convergence positively will increase as well as and the international mobility. The attractiveness and quality of vocational education at the Humpis School will continue to improve steadily, and the collaboration with companies will be more intensive and more productive. In the long term the entire region will benefit, because more competent employees have better results and solution strategies. This will have positive effects on international business as well, so the benefits go far beyond the region.In addition, the training is designed to provide an attractive alternative to University training and to strengthen the dual system of vocational education.

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