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International voluntary activities in Åmål II
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The town council of the municipality of Åmål has in their strategy plan written the importance of working with youths and get them involved in the society. One way to work towards the goals of the international strategy was to start hosting and sending EVS-volunteers. By having volunteers in Åmål, the youths will get a chance to meet people from other cultures and learn from their experiences and maybe get influenced to travel by themselves one day. International engagement is of importance to the municipality of Åmål as it contributes to peace, understanding, and solidarity and prevents xenophobia. In order to consolidate peace and solidarity between people, combating racism and promoting democratic development in Europe, it is important that, in particular children and young people come in contact with other countries and cultures. The project addresses among other things the improvement of mobility throughout Europe. It also increases the youngsters self-confidence by living abroad for a year in a new culture and a new environment. The volunteers are given the chance to learn a new language, increase their working experiences, learn about the European Union and get to know new cultures. Laura from France will do 12 months of voluntary service at Europe Direct Fyrbodal. She will be a valuable resource during the information campaigns that the office runs on regular basis. The purpose of the campaigns is to inform young people around West Sweden on what kind of possibilities EU can offer youths today in terms of work, studies, work practice, youth exchanges, voluntary service etc. The volunteer will manage all the contacts with future and former EVS volunteers, as well as with candidates who want to apply for EVS in Åmål. Daria from Ukraine and Pinar from Turkey will serve one year at Samverket in Åmål. Samverket is a meeting place for people with different opportunities and needs. It is an organisation with about 400 local volunteers. ... and ... will help elderly and vulnerable individuals and assist staff of the organisation with daily activities. They will be a helping hand to work with people who are lonely and isolated, increase the quality of life for exposed groups, elderly, people with various needs for instance invalids, immigrants, the unemployed, senior citizens and others.

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