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International udvikling af lærerkræfter
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The background of the project is a wish to promote the international element in teaching and thus contribute to make the pupils active participants in society and in the labour market on a national as well as on a European and on an international level. To reach this goal we will for the next two years focus on teacher training and teacher development concerning language teaching and participation in international cooperation. The first objective is thus to qualify the language teachers with regards to their language competences as well as their knowledge of society, culture and way of life in the country whose language they teach and in this way ensure the optimal teaching for the pupils. The second objective is to give the teachers who participate in study trips, pupils' exchanges and other kinds of international activities an increased knowledge about the country and the conditions that are to be studied as well as a general view of the organizational and pedagogical possibilities. The project is a two-year project in two parts. The first part deals with language teachers. The plan is each of the two years to send three teachers of German, Spanish, French or Italian to a one-week course at a university or a language school in the country whose language they teach. The second part of the project deals with teachers of social science who are an important group of teachers with regards to our European cooperation projects and mobilities, among other things when two of our classes each year are sent to Belgium on a pupils' exchange in Diest combined with a stay in Bruxelles. The plan is here each year to send three teachers of social science on a one-week study trip to Belgium. The first part of the stay will be at our partner school KA Diest and will among other things include observation of teaching, meetings with colleagues about teaching and education, and a concrete planning of the exchange visit of the classes. The second part will be in Bruxelles and will among other things include a visit to the headquarters of NATO, a visit to the EU institutions and a meeting with employees of the EU. In both parts of the project, the experiences and the results will be spread to the other teachers of the subject, to the group of teachers around the classes who take part in international cooperation, and to the group of teachers in general through internal study groups, information meetings and presentations at teachers' meetings. After having applied, the participants will be selected by the direction of the school, and the planning and the preparation of the activities will be carried through in a cooperation between the participants and the direction, and especially the stay of the social science teachers in Diest, which implies a close cooperation with direction and teachers of the school, will demand careful planning. For the language teachers the expected impact of the project will be increased language competences and an actual insight in cultural and political conditions as well as in ordinary people's way of life in the country whose language they teach, and thus new knowledge and new inspiration for the daily language teaching. For the social science teachers it will be new knowledge about Belgium, better knowledge of the EU and new tools for teaching in European conditions, for cooperation with European schools and for planning of study trips abroad for the pupils In this way the impact for the school as an institution and not least for the pupils will be a quality lift of the language teaching and of the teaching that deals with mobilities and international cooperation. As to the longer term impact, the demand of knowledge sharing with the other colleagues after the activities will ensure a spreading to the whole school in such a way that international cooperation will be a still more natural element of the teaching for the benefit of an increasing number of pupils.

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