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International praktik for erhvervsuddannelseselever ved Campus Vejle
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "International Work Experience in the Retail Business for Basic Commercial Course Students at Campus Vejle" is for students, who attend the 2nd year of the Basic commercial course at Campus Vejle. This is a branch of a vocational youth education, which typically qualifies for an apprentice position in the commercial field especially in the retail business. We would like to send 20 students to 3 different countries in 2015 and 20 students in 2016. We apply for grants for 30 students in total (we have grants left for 10 students from the 2013 application). Furthermore, we apply for grants for 5 accompanying teachers (we have grants for 1 teacher from the 2013 application). The teachers will be at the destination during the first week of the students' work experience. The students will receive linguistic and cultural preparation before the work placement (10 lessons of 80 min) and the students will evaluate the work experience programme afterwards together with their teacher. In addition to this the students will make a presentation for the other students. The work experience programme takes place in week 6, 7 and 8 and they will work full time within the retail business with relevant tasks. The project will strenghten our basic commercial students' skills and thereby increase their ability of getting an apprentice position. The fact that they have completed a work experience period abroad will give them an advantage when applying for a job. The project will also motivate students to complete part of their education through the PIU scheme.

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