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International praktik for erhvervsuddannelseselever ved Business College Syd
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

HG/ merkantilt grundforløb The project " International Work Experience in the Retail Business for Basic Commercial Course Students at Business College Syd" is for students who attend the 2nd year of the Basic commercial Course at Campus vejle. This is a branch of vocational youth education, which typically qualifies for an apprentice position in the commercial field especially in the retail business. We would like to send 40 students to 2 countries: Italy and Germany in 2 rounds in the weeks 15, 16 og 17 in 2014 and 2015 respectively. We also apply for a grant for 4 (2 x 2) accompanying teachers, who will support the students during their first week abroad. (week 15 in 2014 and week 15 in 2015), Our goals for the project are the following: - To give students the knowledge of the business culture and conduct of another country. - To allow students a better basis for getting an apprentice position and to be attractive employees in the Danish as well in the international labour market due to their knowledge of another country's business culture and conduct which provides them with the ability to act according to the required inter-cultural competencies. - To strengthen the student's personal development, in terms of self-confidence, flexibility and tolerance. - To strengthen the student's linguistic competence - To increase awareness of the conduct in the retail business and the educational system in Italy for employees, teachers and students. The project will strengthen our basic commercial students' skills and thereby increase their ability of getting an apprentice position. The fact that they have completed a training period abroad will give them an advantage when applying for a job. The project will also motivate students to complete part of their education through the PIU scheme. Handelsgymnasiet Through many years the two schools involved in the project have cooperated regarding planning and examination of EU exams for students at Business College Syd, Sønderborg. The schools have also had a prior cooperation on study trips to Scotland. In addition to this the two schools have previously cooperated on international projects, and the idea of jobshadow for teachers at the two schools arose as a consequence of this. The objective of the project is to enhance the participants' international expertise, hence making them better teachers. Numbers of participants: Two from Business College Syd. Profile: Both participants have taught international relations and topics concerning EU to students taking the EU exams in the past. Ms Lis Lund Hansen teaches English, German, and international relations. Mr Peter Tanggård Hansen teaches contemporary history, social science, and international relations. Both teachers are involved in the interdisciplinary subject "DIO" ("Det Internationale Område": International relations). Description of activities: Jobshadow at West College Scotland. Methodology: Oberservation and exchange of experience with Scottish colleagues and their students with the purpose of enhancing the participants' skills concerning international relations. Results and impact envisaged: Enhancing the participants' skills concerning international relations and sharing their experience from their stay at West College Scotland with colleagues at home.

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