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International Partnership for Improving the Quality of Teaching in Vocational Schools
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to modernize the education system with project partners to August 31, 2017 year through the preparation, testing and promotion of innovative methods and techniques of teaching and learning in vocational education, using innovative, strategic approach in the form of the following system: from modern tools to assess the skills and professional qualifications, by creating on the basis of innovative methods of teaching and learning techniques using multimedia technology and ICT learning materials developed vocational subjects, including foreign language training, to the creation of innovative training programs. The idea of the project was based on observation and evaluation studies conducted by the Applicant - School of Lomza of 156 students of Technical School in the Complex . Innovation project manifests itself in the way of the introduction and development results. It is a specific strategy which consists of a number of smaller elements in the form of development tools to investigate the qualifications, then on its basis of modern methods , yet not adapted with partners, materials to create a program of innovative training. In fact , it is worth mentioning that , the whole action takes place in the international arena, crosssectorally (vocational schools - the employer ), using modern methods of communication (videochat, videoconference ). All four results generated by partners complement each other and are mutually complementary, which further demonstrates the synergies in the design and perfectly fits the idea of a strategic partnership. Priorities, which implements the project : - Customize the process of training to the national, regional and local economic development strategies, - Developing partnerships between education and employers. The planned activities are aimed at the following target groups : - 60 students from three vocational schools that are partners in the project, ie 20 students from each school who will be directly involved in the training of innovative programs, - 6 teachers from three vocational schools that are partners in the project, ie two teachers from each school who tested will be an innovative tool to assess the skills and professional qualifications, an innovative method of teaching in a vocational school supported innovative multimedia technologies and ICT and innovative learning materials generic skills and horizontal , in particular related to entrepreneurship , ICT, multilingualism with elements of multimedia e-learning module and other, - Other community of students from all partner schools (ie, about 900 students), who will use the results developed after completion of the project , - Other community learned from all partner schools (ie, about 80 people) who will use the results developed after completion of the project , - Community entities and persons permanently cooperating with the partners of the project , who will benefit from the results of the completion of the project , - A community of people who take part in training sessions conducted by Perfect Project Ltd. , who will benefit from the results of the completion of the project , - A community of regional employers, as all activities undertaken in the project are created in the context of the process of adapting training to the national, regional and local economic development strategy. - Regional local authorities, mainly the authorities conducting the data schools who encouraged the benefits stemming from modernize education systems and the introduction of the quality of teaching, will be motivated to make greater efforts in the development of a modern system of education in the region in other locations. The aim of the project is to improve the quality and innovation in vocational education and training. The dissemination of the project results will play a vital role in achieving this goal in a European dimension. Applicant with partners carefully prepared strategy for dissemination to adequately match the intended actions and provide for adequate reach the target groups. The applicant with the partners plan to carry out a professional promotion results / products which will not be limited only to organize a conference summary Dissemination plan will be tailored to the specifics of each partner country and the resources of the partner institution. The project leader will encourage partners to actively participate in the dissemination campaigns, ranging as widely as possible, taking into account the budgetary possibilities of the project. Dissemination of the project will be a dynamic process, continuous, continued even after the completion of the project .
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3 Partners Participants