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International Mobility Including NEETs In Training activities
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Early school leaving as well as youth unemployment are two of the most significant issues in education and training: the lack of dialogue between school and work and the lack of appropriate training and employment opportunities are the main causes.To combat this phenomenon, regional educational policies have identified on work-based learning approach a suitable response to fulfill training and professional need of qualification.The I'M IN IT project is inserted at the end of professional training courses implemented by sending organizations, participants in the intervention, aimed at minors who abandoned prematurely the school path. The OBJECTIVES of the project are to:• align local strategies for economic development with regional and national policy• build and promote a new and more integrated collaboration between the training system and the labor market• promote an educational and professional experience with in more dynamic labor markets, able to offer employment opportunities• increase opportunities for students to receive training in another country• promoting linguistic diversity and intercultural awareness EU.The project targets 35 young newly qualified learners who have completed their vocational training course offered by the Youth Guarantee program and implemented in response to situations of premature abandonment of the education system and in situation of NEETs.Given the type of beneficiaries, the project will also contribute to the achievement of GENERAL OBJECTIVES in order to:• reduce the dropout rate and improve access to education and training at all stages of life• raising the quality of education and training and quality of higher education• Increase the percentage of youth employmentThe selected PROFESSIONAL PROFILES are professional figures identified as necessary to meet the needs of the local production, trade and service market. Participants will be offered the opportunity to participate in an international mobility which provides 28 days practical training hosted in European companies of Malta, Portugal and Poland. The mobility foresees flows of 7/8 participants to each destination. Since participants are vulnerable youngsters, an accompanying person will be present with each group while travelling and during the first and last week of stay.The project will last 18 months and will include the following ACTIVITIES:1_PreparationRelated to project management, to technical/ language/cultural training and guidance preparationThe activities are open to all participants as well as teachers / tutors, trainers and training managers.2_Mobilitywork-based learning experience through a 28-day internship abroad hosted by companies working in sectors matching the professional profiles of participants3_Follow-upThe results will be disseminated through channels of promotion and information necessary to reach a wide interested audience.Specifically, the training activities will be aimed at achieving the following RESULTS:A_ COMMON COMPETENCES (BASE and CROSS) divided into PERSONAL, SOCIAL and OPERATINGable to face new situations that require adaptability, autonomy and self-management, operating in a situation of staff and interaction in a groupB_ TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES articulated in SKILLS and KNOWLEDGEAcquire the knowledge and skills relevant to the fulfillment of the task required, integrating the knowledge acquired in the classroomFinal CERTIFICATION will be structured in a Europass Mobility certificate containing the list of acquired skills and knowledge, with its training objectives and verification criteria.IMPACT expected• for LEARNERS - acquired personal and technical skills, knowledge and abilities immediately expendable in the labor market• for the PARTICIPATING ORGANISATIONS- creation of a European network aimed to promote the capacity building needed to endorse transnational cooperation in VET.SUSTAINABILITYPARTICIPANTS will see their competitiveness and employability increased and PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS, will benefit from the learner's achievement in terms of increased visibility and prestige, and the results from the creation of the network.The national and European multi-actor partnership network will promote and guarantee dialogue and collaboration between systems, fundamental elements to mantain the achievement of obtained results.

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